为什么没有请求与 google 地方 api 中使用的限制不同

why no of request is different from used limit in google place api

我已向 google 地点提出请求 API 请求数量接近 1500-1600,但已用配额限制显示 15800。我已经验证了我的帐户。


$baseurl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json";  


您正在使用文本搜索。文本搜索有 10 倍的乘数。 From the documentation:

The Google Places search services share the same usage limits. However, the Text Search service is subject to a 10-times multiplier. That is, each Text Search request that you make will count as 10 requests against your quota. If you've purchased the Google Places API as part of your Google Maps API for Work contract, the multiplier may be different. Please refer to the Google Maps API for Work documentation for details.