在 Python 中加速 MSD 计算

Speedup MSD calculation in Python

向社区发出呼吁,看看是否有人有想法提高此 MSD 计算实现的速度。它主要基于此博客的实现 post : http://damcb.com/mean-square-disp.html

目前,对于 5000 个点的 2D 轨迹,当前的实现大约需要 9 秒。如果你需要计算很多轨迹,这真的太多了......

我没有尝试将其并行化(使用 multiprocessjoblib),但我感觉创建新进程对于这种算法来说太繁重了。


import os

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Parameters
N = 5000
max_time = 100
dt = max_time / N

# Generate 2D brownian motion

t = np.linspace(0, max_time, N)
xy = np.cumsum(np.random.choice([-1, 0, 1], size=(N, 2)), axis=0)
traj = pd.DataFrame({'t': t, 'x': xy[:,0], 'y': xy[:,1]})

# Draw motion
ax = traj.plot(x='x', y='y', alpha=0.6, legend=False)

# Set limits
ax.set_xlim(traj['x'].min(), traj['x'].max())
ax.set_ylim(traj['y'].min(), traj['y'].max())


          t  x  y
0  0.000000 -1 -1
1  0.020004 -1  0
2  0.040008 -1 -1
3  0.060012 -2 -2
4  0.080016 -2 -2

def compute_msd(trajectory, t_step, coords=['x', 'y']):

    tau = trajectory['t'].copy()
    shifts = np.floor(tau / t_step).astype(np.int)
    msds = np.zeros(shifts.size)
    msds_std = np.zeros(shifts.size)

    for i, shift in enumerate(shifts):
        diffs = trajectory[coords] - trajectory[coords].shift(-shift)
        sqdist = np.square(diffs).sum(axis=1)
        msds[i] = sqdist.mean()
        msds_std[i] = sqdist.std()

    msds = pd.DataFrame({'msds': msds, 'tau': tau, 'msds_std': msds_std})
    return msds

# Compute MSD
msd = compute_msd(traj, t_step=dt, coords=['x', 'y'])

# Plot MSD
ax = msd.plot(x="tau", y="msds", logx=True, logy=True, legend=False)
ax.fill_between(msd['tau'], msd['msds'] - msd['msds_std'], msd['msds'] + msd['msds_std'], alpha=0.2)


       msds  msds_std       tau
0  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
1  1.316463  0.668169  0.020004
2  2.607243  2.078604  0.040008
3  3.891935  3.368651  0.060012
4  5.200761  4.685497  0.080016


%timeit msd = compute_msd(traj, t_step=dt, coords=['x', 'y'])


1 loops, best of 3: 8.53 s per loop


它逐行进行了一些分析,看来 pandas 正在使它变慢。这个纯 numpy 版本大约快 14 倍:

def compute_msd_np(xy, t, t_step):
    shifts = np.floor(t / t_step).astype(np.int)
    msds = np.zeros(shifts.size)
    msds_std = np.zeros(shifts.size)

    for i, shift in enumerate(shifts):
        diffs = xy[:-shift if shift else None] - xy[shift:]
        sqdist = np.square(diffs).sum(axis=1)
        msds[i] = sqdist.mean()
        msds_std[i] = sqdist.std(ddof=1)

    msds = pd.DataFrame({'msds': msds, 'tau': t, 'msds_std': msds_std})
    return msds

添加到上面的 moarningsun 回答:

  • 你可以使用 numexpr 来加速
  • 如果你以对数刻度绘制 MSD,则不需要每次都计算它

    import numpy as np
    import numexpr
    def logSpaced(L, pointsPerDecade=15):
        """Generate an array of log spaced integers smaller than L"""
        nbdecades = np.log10(L)
        return np.unique(np.logspace(
            start=0, stop=nbdecades, 
            num=nbdecades * pointsPerDecade, 
            base=10, endpoint=False
    def compute_msd(xy, pointsPerDecade=15):
        dts = logSpaced(len(xy), pointsPerDecade)
        msd = np.zeros(len(idts))
        msd_std = np.zeros(len(idts))
        for i, dt in enumerate(dts):
            sqdist = numexpr.evaluate(
                {'a': xy[:-dt], 'b':xy[dt:]}
            msd[i] = sqdist.mean()
            msd_std[i] = sqdist.std(ddof=1)
        msds = pd.DataFrame({'msds': msd, 'tau': dt, 'msds_std': msd_std})
        return msds


def get_msd(traj, dt, with_nan=True):

    shifts = np.arange(1, len(traj), dtype='int')
    msd = np.empty((len(shifts), 2), dtype='float')
    msd[:] = np.nan

    msd[:, 1] = shifts * dt

    for i, shift in enumerate(shifts):
        diffs = traj[:-shift] - traj[shift:]
        if with_nan:
            diffs = diffs[~np.isnan(diffs).any(axis=1)]
        diffs = np.square(diffs).sum(axis=1)

        if len(diffs) > 0:
            msd[i, 0] = np.mean(diffs)

    msd = pd.DataFrame(msd)
    msd.columns = ["msd", "delay"]

    msd.set_index('delay', drop=True, inplace=True)

    return msd


  • 轨迹输入为numpy数组
  • 它returns pandas.DataFrame 几乎没有叠加层。
  • with_nan 允许处理包含 NaN 值的轨迹但是它增加了很大的开销(超过 100%)所以我把它作为一个函数参数。
  • 它可以处理多维轨迹(1D、2D、3D 等)


$ print(traj.shape)
(2108, 2)

$ %timeit get_msd(traj, with_nan=True, dt=0.1)
10 loops, best of 3: 143 ms per loop

$ %timeit get_msd(traj, with_nan=False, dt=0.1)
10 loops, best of 3: 68 ms per loop

到目前为止提到的MSD计算都是O(N**2),其中N是时间步数。使用 FFT,这可以减少到 O(N*log(N))。有关 python 中的解释和实现,请参见

编辑: 一个小benchmark(我也加了这个benchmark):Generate a trajectory with

r = np.cumsum(np.random.choice([-1., 0., 1.], size=(N, 3)), axis=0)

对于 N=100.000,我们得到

$ %timeit msd_straight_forward(r)
1 loops, best of 3: 2min 1s per loop

$ %timeit msd_fft(r)
10 loops, best of 3: 253 ms per loop

也许不是主题,但是必须计算 MSD 而不是第 37 行中的平均值:

msds[i] = sqdist.mean()



msds[i] = sqdist/N-1 // for lag1


msds[i] = sqdist/N-2 // for lag2 .... msds[i] = sqdist/N-n // for lag n


因此你没有得到标准偏差,只有单个轨迹的 MSD