返回 c# 字典中的键值 (class) 满足条件

Returning the key in a c# dictionary who's value(class) meets a criteria


 public class Person
        public int age {get; set;}
        public string name {get; set;}

        public Person(int Age, string Name)
            age = Age;
            name = Name;

    public Dictionary<int, Person> people = new Dictionary<int, Person>();

    public int idNumber = // Key of person with lowest age inside Dictionary ?????



int lowestAge = people.Min(kvp => kvp.Value.age);
int id = people.First(kvp => kvp.Value.age == lowestAge).Key;

或者,更简单,只需使用 OrderBy 并获取第一个:

int id = people.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value.age).First().Key;
var key = people.Aggregate((a, b) => a.Value.age < b.Value.age ? a : b).Key;