
Detect when an affixed element has returned to its original position

如何检测 Bootstrap 附加元素何时返回到其起始位置并且不再附加?

更新的答案:显然,Affix 插件带有事件来处理这类事情。来自 W3C Schools 的示例:

    $('.nav').affix({offset: {top: 150} }); 
    $('.nav').on('affix-top.bs.affix', function(){
        alert('The navigation menu is about to return to its original top position - The .affix class is about to be replaced with .affix-top');

还有其他事件,例如 affix-bottom.bs.affix 当元素 returns 到达最底部位置时触发。

原回答: 来自W3C Schools

The affix plugin toggles between three classes: .affix, .affix-top, and .affix-bottom. Each class represents a particular state. You must add CSS properties to handle the actual positions, with the exception of position:fixed on the .affix class.


$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($("#element").css("position") === "fixed") {
         //It is fixed.
    else {
        //It is not fixed.
