AppleScript 处理程序中的可选参数

Optional parameters in AppleScript handlers

Applescript documentation 表示从 Yosemite 开始,处理程序的参数可以设为可选。

来自 'Parameter Specifications' 部分:

Labeled parameters may be declared with a default value by following the formal parameter name with :literal. Doing so makes the parameter optional when called. For example, this declares a make handler with a default value for the with data parameter:

on make new theClass with data theData : missing value

This handler can now be called without supplying a with data parameter; the handler would see theData set to the specified default missing value, which it could then test for and handle appropriately.


set theResult to Create of me given the string:"stuff", info:"this"

on Create given info:missing value, thestring:"stuff"
    if info is missing value then
        set present to false
        set present to true
    end if
    return {present, thestring}
end Create

编译,但给我错误 'The variable thestring is not defined.'


set theResult to Create of me given thestring:"stuff"

我收到错误:'The info parameter is missing for Create.' 即该参数毕竟不是可选的。

如何在 Applescript 处理程序中获取可选参数?


set theResult to Create from "stuff" by "this" --> {true, "stuff"}
set theResult to Create from "stuff" --> {false, "stuff"}

on Create by info : missing value from thestring : "stuff"
    if info is missing value then
        set present to false
        set present to true
    end if
    return {present, thestring}
end Create



to findNumbers of numberList above minLimit given rounding:roundBoolean
end findNumbers

findNumbers of {5.1, 20.1, 20.5, 33} above 20 with rounding

您必须为您的命令定义基于 SDEF 的术语才能使它起作用(这反过来意味着要处理 XML 和脚本包并可能产生术语冲突,等等)。它应该使 AppleScript 库更易于使用,但实际上只是在浪费大家的时间。

最简单的方法是使用普通的位置参数,让用户为 'optional' 个参数传递 missing value,您的处理程序可以检查这些参数:

set theResult to Create("stuff", "this")
set theResult to Create("stuff", missing value)
set theResult to Create(missing value, missing value)

on Create(thestring, info)
    if thestring is missing value then set thestring to "stuff"
    set present to info is not missing value
    return {present, thestring}
end Create


set theResult to Create for {thestring:"stuff", info:"this"}
set theResult to Create for {thestring:"stuff"}
set theResult to Create for {}

on Create for args
    set args to args & {info:missing value, thestring:"stuff"}
    set present to info is not missing value
    return {present, thestring of args}
end Create

两种解决方案都不理想;但在 AppleScript 中并非所有内容都是如此?


这是一个使用用户定义标签的示例,我发现它比神奇的 AppleScript 定义标签(of、by、for 等)更清晰

SayWhat given greeting:"Hola", farewell:"Adios"
SayWhat given greeting:"Aloha"
SayWhat given farewell:"Ciao"

on SayWhat given greeting:strGreeting : "Hello", farewell:strFarewell : "Goodbye"
    log "You say " & strGreeting & "; I say " & strFarewell
end SayWhat

(*You say Hola; I say Adios*)
(*You say Aloha; I say Goodbye*)
(*You say Hello; I say Ciao*)