如何使用 data.table 按组对变量的随机值进行子集化?

How to subset a random value of a variable by group with data.table?

我想在 data.table.

data.table(ggplot2::movies)[, list(min=min(rating), random=sample(rating, 1)), by=list(year, Action)]


Error in `[.data.table`(data.table(movies), , list(min(rating), sample(rating,  : 
Column 2 of result for group 88 is type 'integer' but expecting type 'double'. Column types must be consistent for each group.

如果我强制它为数字,我会得到这个惊人的结果:随机评分低于 (?!!) 同一类别的最小值的类别。

data.table(ggplot2::movies)[, list(min=min(rating), random=as.numeric(sample(rating, 1))), by=list(year, Action)][random<min]
   year Action min random
1: 1916      1 6.2      6
2: 1911      1 5.7      1
3: 1901      1 4.2      3
4: 1914      1 6.1      6
5: 1923      1 8.2      4
6: 1918      1 5.9      5
7: 1921      1 7.5      4


data.table(ggplot2::movies)[, list(min=min(rating), random=as.numeric(sample(.SD$rating, 1))), by=list(year, Action)][random<min]
   year Action min random
1: 1916      1 6.2      2
2: 1911      1 5.7      4
3: 1893      0 7.0      2
4: 1901      1 4.2      4
5: 1914      1 6.1      5
6: 1923      1 8.2      8
7: 1918      1 5.9      4


data.table(ggplot2::movies)[, list(min=min(votes), random=sample(votes, 1)), by=list(year, Action)][random<min]
   year Action min random
1: 1916      1 135     43
2: 1911      1  26      2
3: 1893      0  90     52
4: 1901      1  13     12
5: 1923      1 757    368
6: 1918      1  60     49
7: 1921      1  73     48

显然 sample 函数不想在子集上工作...


我终于找到了解决方法。但它并没有说明为什么 sample() 在子集上没有按预期工作。

data.table(movies)[, list(min=min(votes), random=votes[sample(1:.N, 1)]), by=list(year, Action)]
     year Action min random
  1: 1971      0   5     77
  2: 1939      0   5     13
  3: 1941      0   5      7
  4: 1996      0   5   4066
  5: 1975      0   5      6
201: 1931      1   8      8
202: 1928      1  17     41
203: 1923      1 757    757
204: 1918      1  60     60
205: 1921      1  73     73


data.table(movies)[, list(min=min(votes), random=votes[sample(1:.N, 1)]), by=list(year, Action)][random<min]
Empty data.table (0 rows) of 4 cols: year,Action,min,random

您掉进了标准的 sample 陷阱。来自 ?sample:

If x has length 1, is numeric (in the sense of is.numeric) and x >= 1, sampling via sample takes place from 1:x. Note that this convenience feature may lead to undesired behaviour when x is of varying length in calls such as sample(x).

使用例如来自 ?sample.

resample 建议