Touch ID 密码回退:设备 Pin

Touch ID Passcode Fallback: Device Pin

我有一个供用户使用 Touch ID 的选项,当用户输入错误的密码或选择输入密码时,Edovia 的 Screens 会显示设备的 pin 输入视图控制器。我已经搜索了文档并 Google 找到了一个可靠的例子或指导,可以让我展示相同的输入密码的方法,但我空手而归。


它在 iOS 9.0 及更高版本上可用。

您可以看到 LocalAuthentication here.



LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_11, 9_0) = kLAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication

您可以在 LAContext.h 中查看 LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication 的文档:

Touch ID authentication dialog behaves similarly as the one used by LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics. However, instead of "Enter Password" button there is "Enter Passcode" button which, when tapped, switches the authentication method and allows users to enter device passcode. Passcode authentication will get locked after 6 unsuccessful attempts with progressively increased backoff delay.