将数据 table 转换为嵌套对象

Converting a data table to nested object


StudentId 名称 主题描述
1 ABC CA 描述 CA
2 ABC FM 描述 FM
3 ABC MJ 描述 MJ
4 ABC DM 描述 DM


var studentPlain= from dr in tbl.AsEnumerable()
      select new{
      StudentId =Convert.ToInt32(dr["StudentId"]),
      Subject =Convert.ToString(dr["Subject"]),
      Description = Convert.ToString(dr["Description"])

class subj
public string Subject {get;set;}
public string Description {get;set;}
class student
public int StudentId {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
public List<subj> subjects{get;set;}



public class dbStudent
    public int StudentId;
    public string Name;
    public string Subject;
    public string Description;

public class subject
    public string Subject;
    public string Description;

public class student
    public int StudentId;
    public string Name;
    public List<subject> subjects;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var dbStudebts = new List<dbStudent>();
        dbStudebts.Add(new dbStudent { StudentId = 1, Name = "Bob", Subject = "Math", Description = "High math" });
        dbStudebts.Add(new dbStudent { StudentId = 1, Name = "Bob", Subject = "Geography", Description = "Mountains" });
        dbStudebts.Add(new dbStudent { StudentId = 2, Name = "John", Subject = "Philosophy", Description = "Philosophy of life" });

        var result = (from o in dbStudebts
                      group o by new { o.StudentId, o.Name } into grouped
                      select new student()
                          StudentId = grouped.Key.StudentId,
                          Name = grouped.Key.Name,
                          subjects = grouped.Select(c => new subject()
                              Subject = c.Subject,
                              Description = c.Description