AngularJS 不显示 json 数据

AngularJS doesnt show json data

我一直在尝试 AngularJS 创建一个从 json 文件中获取图像的简单图库,但我似乎无法显示数据。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="portfolioApp">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

    <div ng-controller="GalleryController" >
            <li ng-repeat="image in gallery.galleryData">
                <a ng-href="">{{image.IMAGE_WIDTH}}
                    <img class="thumbnail" ng-src="{{IMAGE_LOCATION+image.image}}" />


var app = angular.module('portfolioApp',[]);
app.controller('GalleryController',['$http', function($http){
  var gallery = this;
  gallery = [];

  gallery.IMAGE_WIDTH = 405;
  gallery.IMAGE_LOCATION = "";

  gallery.galleryData = data;  


Scopes provide APIs ($apply) to propagate any model changes through the system into the view from outside of the "Angular realm" (controllers, services, Angular event handlers).

所以您应该将图库添加到 $scope 然后它可以在视图中访问:

var app = angular.module('portfolioApp',[]);
app.controller('GalleryController',['$http', '$scope', function($http, $scope){
  $ = [];

  $ = 405;
  $ = "";

    $ = data;  