React 中如何判断哪个组件触发了事件处理器?

How to determine which component triggers the event handler in React?

我想将事件处理程序绑定到 React 中的多个组件。现在我为每个组件设置 className 并使用 event.currentTarget.className 来确定哪个组件触发处理程序。

handleClick: function (e) {
    var className = e.currentTarget.className;
    if (className === "longComment") {
        this.setState({showLongComment: !this.state.showLongComment});
    } else {
        this.setState({showShortComment: !this.state.showShortComment});

render: function () {
    var topic = this.props.topic;
    var shortComment = this.state.showShortComment ? '[-]' : '[+]';
    var longComment = this.state.showLongComment ? '[--]' : '[++]';

    return (
        <li className="topic">
            <div className="title">
                <a target="_blank" href={api}>
                <span className="longComment" onClick={this.handleClick}>
                <span className="shortComment" onClick={this.handleClick}>
            {this.state.showLongComment ? <CommentList url={url} /> : null}
            {this.state.showShortComment ? <CommentList url={url} /> : null}

React 中是否有任何本机方法来知道哪个组件触发了事件处理程序?

您可以通过将不同的参数绑定到 handleClick 函数来实现您想要的:

handleClick: function (propertyName) {

    var newState = {};
    newState[propertyName] = !this.state[propertyName];


render: function () {
    var topic = this.props.topic;
    var shortComment = this.state.showShortComment ? '[-]' : '[+]';
    var longComment = this.state.showLongComment ? '[--]' : '[++]';

    return (
        <li className="topic">
            <div className="title">
                <a target="_blank" href={api}>
                <span className="longComment" onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this,"showLongComment")}>
                <span className="shortComment" onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this,"showShortComment")}>
            {this.state.showLongComment ? <CommentList url={url} /> : null}
            {this.state.showShortComment ? <CommentList url={url} /> : null}