微数据 - 文章需要图片 microdata - image required for Article

我为 找到的每个示例在 Google 结构化数据测试工具


现在需要headline;没关系,只需将 itemprop="name" 更改为 itemprop="name headline"


A value for the image field is required.
Required by:
Articles Rich Snippets

我听说有人说图像应该是 文章的图像(从字面上解释文档:"An image of the item.") - 就像文章的实际屏幕截图一样。那不是没用吗?那是正确的吗?我必须提供图像吗?每篇文章都可以使用相同的空白图片或徽标吗?或者重复的图片会因为不相关而受到惩罚吗?词汇表)不需要任何属性。

Google 的结构化数据测试工具不是 验证器。该工具主要测试您对 的使用是否符合 Google 自己对显示其 Rich Snippets 之一(或类似 features/products)的要求。

因此,如果 Google 的工具显示 "value for the image field is required",这并不意味着您在技术上必须提供它,或者如果您这样做会发生一些不好的事情(例如排名惩罚)不要提供它。这只是意味着 Google 不会在他们的 SERP 上显示此文档的丰富网页摘要。

Google 通常会记录 他们 (example: their Article Rich Snippet).


在 Stack Overflow 上讨论哪些图像在 Google 眼中没问题是题外话(您可能会在 Webmasters SE 上获得帮助)。

从Schema.org的角度来看:image property is, as you note, defined to have an "image of the item" as value. For Product, it could be a photograph of the product, for Person a portrait etc. For an Article, the equivalent would be a photo/screenshot of the article itself; however, that’s often not really useful. So I think it’s common practice to specify an image that represents this article somehow: practically speaking, an image that could be shown as teaser image for your article. But you should not use the image property just because an image is part of the article (so don’t use it for all images, and don’t use it if you have no image that would/should represent the article); for such cases, you could use the hasPart property