
Keep creating multiple child processes from the same parent


我将如何为每个文件创建一个单独的进程?我应该在 while(pids[i] != -1) 内完成整个分叉过程吗?

file_cnt = number of .bin files in the current dir

pid_t pids[file_cnt];

for(i = 0; i < file_cnt; i++) 
    if((pids[i]=fork()) < 0)
        printf("Error forking");
        return 0;
    else if(pids[i]==0)
        printf("Entering child \n");
        printf("%s ", filenames[i]);

        //reading file
        handle = open( filenames[i], O_RDONLY );

        //allocating memory
        buffer = malloc( BUFFER_SIZE );

        checksum = 0;

            //calculating checksum
        } while( length );

        printf( " -%d\n", checksum);
        printf("Exiting child \n");


There are 3 files:
Entering child 
whateve2.bin  -10540
Exiting child 
Entering child 
Entering child 
whatever.bin  -8399
Exiting child 
whatever3.bin  -34871
Exiting child 
Entering child 
whatever.bin  -8399
Exiting child 
vab@Vaibhav:~/CS330$ Entering child 
whatever3.bin  -34871
Exiting child 
Entering child 
whatever3.bin  -34871
Exiting child 
Entering child 
whatever3.bin  -34871
Exiting child

您没有在每个 child 的 else 块末尾调用 exit()。因此,child 将跳回 for 循环并执行下一次迭代,再次调用 fork()。如果有3个文件,parent会分叉3次,文件1的child会分叉2次,文件2的child会分叉1次。

在调用 printf("Exiting child \n"); 之后,您需要立即调用 exit(0),以便 child 进程退出。

针对您的评论,您调用 fork() 并检查 return 值不 < 0 确保创建了 child 进程,并检查 return 值为 0 确保 child 进程是 运行.

记住,如果成功,fork() return 会执行两次:一次是 parent 和 child 的 pid,一次是 child 与 0.

正如其他人所提到的,您没有 exit()else 块的末尾。

但是我想提出改进建议:由于您正在尝试实施并行处理以提高快速任务的性能,那么使用线程而不是 fork() 整个进程怎么样?


// adapted from https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/pthreads/
// compile with: gcc calc_checksum.c -o calc_checksum -lpthread

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void* calc_checksum(void* pFileNameIdx)
    const int fileNameIdx = (int)pFileNameIdx;
    printf("Entering child \n");
    // filenames should be a global variable somewhere
    // or, better, just pass "&filenames[fileNameIdx]" instead of pFileNameIdx
    printf("%s ", filenames[fileNameIdx]);

    // reading file
    handle = open(filenames[fileNameIdx], O_RDONLY);

    // allocating memory
    buffer = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);

    int checksum = 0;

        // calculating checksum
    } while(length);

    printf( " -%d\n", checksum);
    printf("Exiting child \n");

    free(buffer);  // !! don't forget to free() the resources that you don't need anymore

    // exit the thread

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    // initialization code ...
    file_cnt = number of .bin files in the current dir

    pthread_t threads[file_cnt];
    int retCode;

    for(i = 0; i < file_cnt; i++) 
        retCode = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, calc_checksum, (void*)i);
        if (retCode){
            printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", retCode);


NB:无论使用何种方法(fork() 或 pthreads):不要忘记 free() 您使用 [=16] 保留的内存=].