如何修复 "Cannot find either column dbo or the user defined function or aggregate, or name is ambiguous"

how to fix "Cannot find either column dbo or the user defined function or aggregate, or name is ambiguous"

我需要在 SQL 服务器中调用函数,但出现错误!

 cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or
    aggregate "dbo.udf_Sum_ExtraHours", or the name is ambiguous.

我有昨天从堆栈中获得的函数,当我在 Management studio 中单独测试它时,它运行完美,但是当我将它放入内联函数中并需要调用存储过程时,它会抛出提到的错误,


ALTER FUNCTION dbo.udf_Sum_ExtraHours
    @strt date,
    @end date


    WITH cte
AS (
    SELECT ExtraHrs 
            WHEN left(ExtraHrs, 1) = '-'
                THEN - 1
            ELSE 1
            END AS multiply
        ,right(ExtraHrs, 8) AS timestring
        --get hours in seconds:
        DATEPART(HOUR, right(ExtraHrs, 8)) * 3600 AS h_in_s
        --get minutes in seconds:
        DATEPART(MINUTE, right(ExtraHrs, 8)) * 60 AS m_in_s
        --get seconds:
        DATEPART(SECOND, right(ExtraHrs, 8)) AS s
    FROM  vw_Rept_Attend  where convert(date,AtnDate) between @strt and @end 
AS (
    SELECT *
        ,c.h_in_s + c.m_in_s + c.s AddExtra
    FROM cte c
AS (
    SELECT sum(AddExtra * multiply) mn
    FROM cte3
AS (
    SELECT mn / 3600 hh
        ,(mn % 3600) / 60 mi
        ,(mn % 3600.0) % 60 ss
    FROM cte4
    cast(hh AS VARCHAR) + ':' + cast(mi AS VARCHAR) + ':' + cast(ss AS VARCHAR) as ExtraHrs
FROM cte5


     select   UserID,
dbo.udfTimeSpanFromSeconds(Sum(Left(workhrs,2) * 3600 + substring(Convert(varchar(8),workhrs), 4,2) * 60 + substring(Convert(varchar(8),workhrs), 7,2))) as WorkHrs ,

dbo.udf_Sum_ExtraHours('2015-10-12','2015-10-14'),// function which throw error

EmpName,EmpType,UserName, Role,convert(VARCHAR(10),
StartDate,105) as StartDate,convert(VARCHAR(10),EndDate,105) as EndDate
from    vw_Rept_Attend  where  convert(date,AtnDate) between '2015-10-12' and '2015-10-14' 
group by UserID,

EmpName,EmpType,UserName, Role,StartDate,EndDate
      Order by UserID

但在 SQL Server Management Studio 功能中,当我不使用存储过程执行单个功能时,它会给我准确的输出

输出 SQL 管理工作室看起来像:


Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.Splitfn", or the name is ambiguous

Cannot find either column “dbo” or the user-defined function or aggregate “dbo.FN_Split”, or the name is ambiguous




您的函数 return 是一个 table,因此不能在 select 子句的列列表中使用。


  1. 加入函数结果:

    select [...], extraTime, [...]
    from    vw_Rept_Attend 
    cross apply dbo.udf_Sum_ExtraHours('2015-10-12','2015-10-14') as ex(extraTime)
  2. 在列列表中创建子select:

    select [...], 
        select top 1 ExtraHrs from dbo.udf_Sum_ExtraHours('2015-10-12','2015-10-14')
    ) ExtraHrs, [...]
    from    vw_Rept_Attend 
  3. 将函数重新定义为 return 单个值:

    ALTER FUNCTION dbo.udf_Sum_ExtraHours
    @strt date,
    @end date
    RETURNS INT -- or VARCHAR or some other single value type
    /* method body returning single value */