复制和粘贴单元格 x 次并更改单元格地址

Copy and Paste cells x times and change Cell address

我需要复制单元格 A1:C10,然后粘贴 X 次。 X 在单元格 D1 中,也在单元格 A1 中,我有一个公式

=IF('C:\Users\..\..\E kompletuar\[data.xlsx]data'!$H=0;"")

我需要单元格行 $H$2 根据粘贴单元格 A1:C10 的次数进行更改。例如。 $H$3(如果我第一次粘贴),$H$4(如果我第二次粘贴),$H$5(如果我第三次粘贴)...


Sub foo()
Dim x as Long, numberOfTimes as Long 'number of times to "copy"
Dim rngToCopy as Range
Dim rngToPaste as Range
Dim A1_FORMULA as String

'## Define the range you want to copy:
Set rngToCopy = Range("A1:C10")

'## Get the number "X" from cell D1:
numberOfTimes = Range("D1").Value

For x = 1 to numberOfTimes

    '## Define your base formula:
    A1_FORMULA = "=IF('C:\Users\..\..\E kompletuar\[data.xlsx]data'!$H$" & CStr(2 + x) & "=0;"""")"

    '# Determine where to paste:
    Set rngToPaste  = rngToCopy.Offset(x*(rngToCopy.Rows.Count + 2))

    '# Copy and Paste
    rngToCopy.Copy Destination:=rngToPaste

    '# Update the formula in the first copied cell/column A:
    rngToPaste.Cells(1,1).Formula = A1_FORMULA

End Sub