
Minimum value of all elements that satisfy a condition in a list


class Point
     public int id_;
     public float x_, y_; 

     public Point(int i, float x, float y)
         id_ = i;
         x_ = x;
         y_ = y;

     public float Distance(Point otherPoint)
         return (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x_ - otherPoint.x_, 2) + Math.Pow(y_ - otherPoint.y_, 2));


我最初写的很简单,有一个 minValue(初始化为 1e6)和一个 minID,遍历列表以找到最小值。在遍历之外,我检查了这个最小值是否小于阈值。成功了。

但我想看看是否有 better/cleaner 方法来实现它,最后我得到了这个:

var list = new List<Point>();
list.Add(new Point(0, 10.0f, 1.0f));
list.Add(new Point(1, 1.0f, 0.0f));
list.Add(new Point(2, 0.0f, 0.0f));

var p = new Point(3, 0.6f, 0.0f);
var subList = list.Select((item, index) => new { item, index })
                   .Where(x => (x.item.distance(p) <= 1.0))
                   .Select(x => x.item).ToList();

Point minPoint = subList[Enumerable.Range(0, subList.Count).Aggregate((a, b) => (subList[a].Distance(p) < subList[b].Distance(p) ? a : b))];



  1. 删除第一个 Select 语句,因为它没有用?你对这一点什么都不做;这也允许您删除第二个 Select 语句。

  2. 不要使用ToList:反正你对构建这个列表不感兴趣;

  3. Math.Pow是一种用于任意幂的方法,而且不是那么精确,用x*x代替Math.Pow(x,2)

  4. 你在大写方面犯了一些小错误,Points而不是PointsDistance而不是Distance

一种获取您的 Point 的方法,这不是 绝对最有效的方法 使用以下语句:

class Point {

     public int id_;
     public float x_, y_; 

     public Point(int i, float x, float y) {
         id_ = i;
         x_ = x;
         y_ = y;

     public float Distance(Point otherPoint) {
         float dx = this.x_-otherPoint.x_;
         float dy = this.y_-otherPoint.y_;
         return (float)Math.Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);


var minPoint = list.Where(x => x.Distance(p) <= 1.0).OrderBy(x => x.Distance(p)).FirstOrDefault();

如果不存在这样的项目(满足 Where 子句),这将 return null。然而,在大多数情况下,这并不是绝对最有效的实施方式。


public static class Utils {

    public static T MinBy<T,R> (this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T,R> f) where R : IComparable<R> {
        IEnumerator<T> e = source.GetEnumerator();
        if(!e.MoveNext()) {
            throw new Exception("You need to provide at least one element.");
        T min = e.Current;
        R minf = f(min);
        while(e.MoveNext()) {
            T x = e.Current;
            R xf = f(x);
            if(minf.CompareTo(xf) > 0) {
                min = x;
                minf = xf;
        return min;



var minPoint = list.Where(x => x.Distance(p) <= 1.0).MinBy(x => x.Distance(p));

此方法运行时间为 O(n),因此可能是最有效的方法之一。


我已经测试了@ipavlu 和我自己的两种方法,尽管使用的是你提供的小测试集,所以结果在科学上并不有效,并使用csharp 互动 shell:

csharp> DateTime dt=DateTime.Now; for(int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { var minPoint = list.Where(x => x.Distance(p) <= 1.0).OrderBy(x => x.Distance(p)).FirstOrDefault(); }; DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine(dt2-dt); 
(1,68): warning CS0219: The variable `minPoint' is assigned but its value is never used
csharp> DateTime dt=DateTime.Now; for(int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { var minPoint = list.Where(x => x.Distance(p) <= 1.0).MinBy(x => x.Distance(p)); }; DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine(dt2-dt);  
(1,68): warning CS0219: The variable `minPoint' is assigned but its value is never used
csharp> DateTime dt=DateTime.Now; for(int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { Point closest_to_p = null;float shortest_d = float.MaxValue;list.ForEach(point =>{var d = point.Distance(p);if (d > 1.0f) return;if (closest_to_p == null || shortest_d > d){closest_to_p = point;shortest_d = d;}}); }; DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now;Console.WriteLine(dt2-dt);                                       
csharp> DateTime dt=DateTime.Now; for(int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { var null_point =  new KeyValuePair<Point,float>(null, float.PositiveInfinity);var rslt_point = list.Select(xp =>{var d = xp.Distance(p);return d <= 1.0f ? new KeyValuePair<Point, float>(xp, d) : null_point;}).Aggregate(null_point, (a, b) =>{if (a.Key == null) return b;if (b.Key == null) return a;return a.Value > b.Value ? b : a;}, x => x.Key); }; DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine(dt2-dt);
(1,146): warning CS0219: The variable `rslt_point' is assigned but its value is never used

因此,这会导致一些 微不足道的结果:

CommuSoft.A 00:00:09.3165310
CommuSoft.B 00:00:03.3658400
ipavlu.A    00:00:10.4554550
ipavlu.B    00:00:18.5995530


我宁愿使用下面的,它进行 O(N) 距离计算和 O(N) 比较:

var closest = list.Select(item => new { item, distance = item.Distance(p) })
    .Aggregate((a, b) => a.distance <= b.distance ? a : b);
var closestPt = closest.distance <= 1.0 ? closest.item : null;

我对问题的两个解决方案有一些想法,这里是原始的 class,去掉了不必要的下划线。通常 id 是唯一的,所以 readonly 我从@CommuSoft 的回答中借用了 Distance 方法,因为他对那个方法是正确的:

class Point
    public readonly int id;
    public float x;
    public float y;
    public Point(int id, float x, float y)
        this.id = id;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
    public float Distance(Point p)
        float dx = this.x - p.x;
        float dy = this.y - p.y;
        return (float)Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);


        List<Point> list = new List<Point>();
        list.Add(new Point(0, 10.0f, 1.0f));
        list.Add(new Point(1, 1.0f, 0.0f));
        list.Add(new Point(2, 0.0f, 0.0f));

        Point p = new Point(3, 0.6f, 0.0f);

下一个解决方案 IpavluVersionA1 在使用 memory/allocation 和计算效率方面最有效:

        //VersionA1, efficient memory and cpu usage
        Point closest_to_p = null;
        float shortest_d = float.MaxValue;

        //list.ForEach because it is iterating list through for cycle, most effective
        list.ForEach(point =>
            //Distance is computed only ONCE per Point!
            var d = point.Distance(p);
            if (d > 1.0f) return;
            if (closest_to_p == null || shortest_d > d)
                closest_to_p = point;
                shortest_d = d;
        //closest_to_p is cloases point in range with distance 1.0
        //or below or is null, then does not exist

下一个是 IpavluVersionA2,最佳性能:

        //VersionA2, most efficient memory and cpu usage
        Point closest_to_p = null;
        float shortest_d = float.MaxValue;
        int max = list.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i)
            var point = list[i];
            var d = point.Distance(p);
            if (d > 1.0f) continue;
            if (closest_to_p == null || shortest_d > d)
                closest_to_p = point;
                shortest_d = d;
        //closest_to_p is closest point in range with distance 1.0
        //or below or is null, then does not exist

另一个解决方案 IpavluVersionB 使用 LINQ 方法,必须创建新的结构对象以保持点和距离,但它们很可能是在堆栈上创建的。计算距离只做一次,然后值被重复使用!

        var null_point =  new KeyValuePair<Point,float>(null, float.PositiveInfinity);
        var rslt_point = 
        .Select(xp =>
            var d = xp.Distance(p);
            return d <= 1.0f ? new KeyValuePair<Point, float>(xp, d) : null_point;
        .Aggregate(null_point, (a, b) =>
            if (a.Key == null) return b;
            if (b.Key == null) return a;
            return a.Value > b.Value ? b : a;
        }, x => x.Key);

rslt_point 为 null 或最接近 p.



  • 必须在发布模式下构建,
  • 必须运行没有调试,在 VisualStudio 之外,
  • 两个场景的测试 运行ning 5 次,
  • 场景X:3项,1000万次,所有方法,时间毫秒,
  • 场景 Y:300 万次,1 次,所有方法,时间以毫秒为单位,

the code is here


  • B - 列表的迭代次数,
  • I - 列表中的项目数,
  • 所有数字以毫秒为单位,
  • CommuSoft 是 CommuSoft 的答案中的解决方案,
  • Ivan Stoev 提出了匿名类型的解决方案,其行为类似于带有结构的 VersionA2,
  • 显然 IpavluVersionA2 是最佳性能。

B[10000000] I[3]: CommuSoft: 3521 IpavluA1: 371 IpavluA2: 195 IpavluB: 1587

B[10000000] I[3]: CommuSoft: 3466 IpavluA1: 371 IpavluA2: 194 IpavluB: 1583

B[10000000] I[3]: CommuSoft: 3463 IpavluA1: 370 IpavluA2: 194 IpavluB: 1583

B[10000000] I[3]: CommuSoft: 3465 IpavluA1: 370 IpavluA2: 194 IpavluB: 1582

B[10000000] I[3]: CommuSoft: 3471 IpavluA1: 372 IpavluA2: 196 IpavluB: 1583

B1 I[3000000]: CommuSoft: 919 IpavluA1: 21 IpavluA2: 17 IpavluB: 75

B1 I[3000000]: CommuSoft: 947 IpavluA1: 21 IpavluA2: 17 IpavluB: 75

B1 I[3000000]: CommuSoft: 962 IpavluA1: 21 IpavluA2: 17 IpavluB: 75

B1 I[3000000]: CommuSoft: 969 IpavluA1: 21 IpavluA2: 17 IpavluB: 75

B1 I[3000000]: CommuSoft: 961 IpavluA1: 21 IpavluA2: 17 IpavluB: 75