PostgreSQL 获取字符串的一部分

PostgreSQL fetch a part of string


10.03.2015 11:45:29-JAQ -- Updated Following Information
Mobile Updated From 0 to 0502770020</br>
Company Industry Id Updated From 747 to 753</br>
Name Updated from futurehomes to futurehomesdubai </br>
Company Head Office Updated From 0 to 1</br>
Company Telephone Updated From 8008436699 to
Company Comments Updated From Offices and Hotel (Under Construction) to  Offices and Hotel (Under Construction)</br>
Company Toll Free No Updated From to 800-8436699</br>
Company(139618) Industry Sub Section Updated </br>

我将其存储在文本字段中。由此我只需要显示 名称从 futurehomes 更新为 futurehomesdubai 部分。 Futurehomes 到 futurehomesdubai 将根据公司名称而变化。我该怎么做?


create table logs(tlog text);

insert into logs values ('Mobile Updated From 0 to 0502770020</br>Company Industry Id Updated From 747 to 753</br>Name Updated from futurehomes to futurehomesdubai </br>Company Head Office Updated From 0 to 1</br>Company Telephone Updated From 8008436699 to
Company Comments Updated From Offices and Hotel (Under Construction) to  Offices and Hotel (Under Construction)</br>Company Toll Free No Updated From to 800-8436699</br>Company(139618) Industry Sub Section Updated </br>');

而 select 应该是

select * 
from (
     select unnest(regexp_split_to_array(tlog,'</br>')) col 
     from logs
where col ilike 'Name Updated%'


Name Updated from futurehomes to futurehomesdubai