Pentaho - 存储库创建问题

Pentaho - repository Creation Issue

我正在尝试使用 SQl 服务器和 Mysql 在 Pentaho DI 中创建存储库,因为我面临一个问题,


Repositary login failed.
Detailed cause:org.pentaho.di.core.exception,kettleException:
Error connecting to the repositary!The version of the repository is -1.-1.
    This Kettle edition requires it to be at least version 5.0 and as such an upgrade is required.

    To upgrade, backup your database and export the repository to XML for additional safety.

    Then select the 'Edit' button followed by the 'Create or Upgrade' button.

    Please consult the Upgrade Guide for eventually special instructions for this version.


  1. 检查是否存在 "\data-integration\lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.16-bin.jar
  2. 创建一个新数据库作为存储库,
  3. select按钮[创建|更新],当select干运行时,请selectN.
