为什么这个 Theano 代码 运行 成功而没有任何错误?

Why does this Theano code run successfully without any errors?


c = broadcasted_add(a, b)

是将(2,1,2,2)维的张量'a'和(2,2,2,2)维的张量'b'相加。即使我们在 make_tensor 方法中将 broadcastable 声明为 'false' ,它如何能够正确添加?我们不应该将 broadcastable 声明为 True 以便它可以添加不同的维度吗?它不应该抛出一个错误说尺寸不匹配吗?我对广播的理解是错误的吗?

import numpy as np
from theano import function
import theano.tensor as T

def make_tensor(dim):
    Returns a new Theano tensor with no broadcastable dimensions.
    dim: the total number of dimensions of the tensor.

    return T.TensorType(broadcastable=tuple([False] * dim), dtype='float32')()

def broadcasted_add(a, b):
    a: a 3D theano tensor
    b: a 4D theano tensor
    Returns c, a 4D theano tensor, where
    c[i, j, k, l] = a[l, k, i] + b[i, j, k, l]
    for all i, j, k, l

return a.dimshuffle(2, 'x', 1, 0) + b

def partial_max(a):
    a: a 4D theano tensor
    Returns b, a theano matrix, where
    b[i, j] = max_{k,l} a[i, k, l, j]
    for all i, j

return a.max(axis=(1, 2))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    a = make_tensor(3)
    b = make_tensor(4)
    c = broadcasted_add(a, b)
    d = partial_max(c)

    f = function([a, b,], d)

    rng = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3])
    a_value = rng.randn(2, 2, 2).astype(a.dtype)
    b_value = rng.rand(2, 2, 2, 2).astype(b.dtype)
    c_value = np.transpose(a_value, (2, 1, 0))[:, None, :, :] + b_value
    expected = c_value.max(axis=1).max(axis=1)

    actual = f(a_value, b_value)

    assert np.allclose(actual, expected), (actual, expected)
    print "SUCCESS!"

这样做的原因是 dimshuffle 通过 'x' 参数值添加的新维度总是可广播的。

请注意,在 broadcasted_add 中,唯一需要广播的维度是通过 dimshuffle 添加到 a 的维度。 None个其他维度需要播出