Apex 触发器零代码覆盖率

Apex trigger zero code coverage

谁能帮我解决我的问题。 我已经用测试 classes 创建了 apex 触发器。 测试 运行 后我没有收到任何错误,但无法获得任何代码覆盖率。 请检查下面是我的顶点触发和测试 class.

                trigger getAllContacts on Scheme__c (after insert,after update) 
                List<ANZSIC_Contact__c> acc = new List<ANZSIC_Contact__c>();
                for(Scheme__c scheme :trigger.new)
                    Id devRecordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Underwriter').getRecordTypeId();
                    if(scheme.Account__c != null && scheme.Account__r.RecordTypeId== devRecordTypeId )
                        List<Contact> con = new List<Contact>();
                        con = [select Id,Email,Phone from contact where Account.Id =:scheme.Account__c];
                        for(Contact c:con)
                            acc = [select Id from ANZSIC_Contact__c where Contact__c =:c.Id and Scheme__c =:scheme.Id];
                            if(acc ==Null)
                                ANZSIC_Contact__c ac = new ANZSIC_Contact__c();
                                ac.Contact__c = c.Id;
                                ac.Scheme__c = scheme.Id;
                                ac.Email__c = c.Email;
                                ac.Phone__c = c.Phone;

                        insert acc;

            private class Test_getAllContacts
                static testMethod void getAllContacts()
                    RecordType businessAccountRecordType = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType='Account' AND Name = 'Underwriter'];
                    Account acc = new Account();
                    acc.Name = 'Test Account';
                    acc.RecordTypeId = businessAccountRecordType.Id;
                    insert acc;Contact con = new Contact();
                    con.LastName = 'Test data';
                    con.AccountId = acc.Id;
                    con.Email ='n@yahoo.in';
                    con.Phone = '987654321';
                    insert con; Scheme__c  sh = new Scheme__c();
                    sh.Account__c = acc.Id; 


@isTest(seeAllData=false):如果将 seeAllData 设置为 false,您的查询将不会在测试中获取记录类型信息 class!

要么将其设置为 true,要么如果不允许,请在您的测试 class.

中创建记录类型 record/data