使用 Willie 机器人输出不起作用,但打印可以

Outputting with Willie bot doesn't work, but print does

我正在尝试 return 使用 Willie 机器人将命令输出到 IRC 频道。

我的代码似乎可以逐行输出我的变量,但出于某种原因,一旦我使用 Willie 机器人 say 命令输出到 IRC,它就不会输出任何东西。


from willie import module
import subprocess
import urllib2
import os

def splint(bot, trigger):
    bot.reply('I will process your request now!')
    page = urllib2.urlopen(trigger.group(2))
    page_content = page.read();

    with open('codeToCheck.c', 'w') as code:

    command = 'splint "C:\Users\Justin\Desktop\codeToCheck.c"'
    output = subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

    bot.say('I have saved the file successfully. Outputting:')

    for i in output.splitlines():



import subprocess,os

output = subprocess.Popen(["splint", "C:\cygwin64\home\Justin\codeToCheck.c"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

command = 'splint "C:\Users\Justin\Desktop\codeToCheck.c"'
output = subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

for i in output.splitlines():
    print i

print 'I have saved the file successfully. Outputting:'

这是我的代码的 irc 输出:

<Fogest> .splint http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=8cB7DdnQ
<Fogbot> Fogest: I will process your request now!
<Fogbot> I have saved the file successfully. Outputting:

应该有输出,但是什么也没有。我在这里做错了什么吗? 运行 我的测试文件(我在 post 上显示的测试代码)通过命令行我得到了以下输出:

$ python test.py
Splint 3.1.2 --- 25 Aug 2010

Finished checking --- no warnings
I have saved the file successfully. Outputting:


process = subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output = process.stderr.read()
