阿根廷的 openGraph 语言环境

openGraph locale for Argentina

我期待 es_AR but using es_AR for og:locale causes an error in the Debugger

<meta property="og:locale" content="es_AR">

那么我应该为阿根廷使用哪个 openGraph 语言环境?我在源代码中只看到这些可能的 español 设置...

'es_CO' => _('Spanish (Colombia)'),
'es_ES' => _('Spanish (Spain)'),
'es_LA' => _('Spanish'),

'es_LA' 看起来像拉丁美洲的通用西班牙语,在 `es_AR 行下面添加它,根据 i18n 标准这是正确的,facebook debgugger 应该是。

meta 标签也用在 google+ 和 linkedin,以及像 bing 这样的搜索引擎,所以我不会删除 es_AR 当它有效时,但是一个额外的标签可以使用 og:locale:alternatees_LA 添加区域设置,如 here.


这是 facebook 所说的,来自 https://developers.facebook.com/docs/internationalization

The locales that Facebook supports are referenced in the Facebook Locales XML file. The codes in the XML file follow ISO language and country codes respectively, concatenated by an underscore. The basic format is ll_CC, where ll is a two-letter language code, and CC is a two-letter country code. For instance, en_US represents U.S. English.

There are two exceptions that do not follow the ISO standard: ar_AR and es_LA. We use these to denote umbrella locales for Arabic and Spanish. For Spanish, we support a few specialized localizations.

Your can determine the locale andlanguage of a person using your app through the locale field of the User Graph API object.

file 为墨西哥、哥伦比亚、智利、委内瑞拉、西班牙以及我提到的西班牙通用语言提供了选择,即 es_LA