jar MANIFEST.MF 最大行长度 72 是否包括 EOL 字节
Does the jar MANIFEST.MF max line length of 72 include the EOL bytes
我对 Manifest specification 的理解对于 行 的确切定义有点模糊。特别是读
No line may be longer than 72 bytes (not characters), in its UTF8-encoded form.
我不确定 行 在这方面是否包含 EOL (CR LF | LF | CR
) 字符。
我有两个编写清单的库的第三方实现,一个生成的内容似乎包含 EOL 字符作为行的一部分,而另一个则不包含。
虽然这并没有严格回答规范在说 line 时意味着什么的问题,但它确实根据 JDK 的实现方式回答了这个问题它围绕该规范的清单支持。你希望他们都来自同一个团队,因此规范中的任何歧义都可以通过实现的细节来澄清,但我暂时不接受它,以防找到更规范的答案。
通过阅读 JDK 源代码和 运行 一些使用 JDK 清单 class 写出清单文件的测试,我可以说 JDK(在 1.7 版)写出清单条目,其中 行长度包括 EOL 字节。
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.jar.Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION;
public class ManifestTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Manifest m = new Manifest();
Attributes a = m.getMainAttributes();
a.put(MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); // required or the file doesn't get written
// Long-Property: This line has 72 characters without eol, it's hard to get
a.putValue("Line-Property", "This line has 72 characters without eol, it's hard to get");
// Long-Property: This line has 72 characters with eol, it is hard to get
a.putValue("Long-Property", "This line has 72 characters with eol, it is hard to get");
a.putValue("Massive-Property", "This line wraps around always as it has a lot of characters in it");
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.out.println(new String(out.toByteArray(), UTF_8));
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Long-Property: This line has 72 characters with eol, it is hard to get
Massive-Property: This line wraps around always as it has a lot of cha
racters in it
Line-Property: This line has 72 characters without eol, it's hard to g
适合一行,因为行内容为 70 个字符 + 2 个字符的 EOL,即 <= 72。具有 72 个字符的行内容的 Line-Property
被拆分分为两行,其中第一行包含前 70 个字符 + CR LF
后跟 space 和剩余的 2 个字符。
这里值得注意的是 Manifest
读取方法对行的长度很宽松,只要行不超过 512 字节长(包括 EOL 标记),它就会愉快地读取文件如下代码所示
Manifest m = new Manifest();
String longManifest = "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n" +
"Too-Long: This line is longer than 72 characters, does the Manifest class correctly \r\n" +
" handle parsing of it even over multiple lines?\r\n";
m.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(longManifest.getBytes(UTF_8)));
这很高兴将 This line is longer than 72 characters, does the Manifest class correctly handle parsing of it even over multiple lines?
我对 Manifest specification 的理解对于 行 的确切定义有点模糊。特别是读
的部分No line may be longer than 72 bytes (not characters), in its UTF8-encoded form.
我不确定 行 在这方面是否包含 EOL (CR LF | LF | CR
) 字符。
我有两个编写清单的库的第三方实现,一个生成的内容似乎包含 EOL 字符作为行的一部分,而另一个则不包含。
虽然这并没有严格回答规范在说 line 时意味着什么的问题,但它确实根据 JDK 的实现方式回答了这个问题它围绕该规范的清单支持。你希望他们都来自同一个团队,因此规范中的任何歧义都可以通过实现的细节来澄清,但我暂时不接受它,以防找到更规范的答案。
通过阅读 JDK 源代码和 运行 一些使用 JDK 清单 class 写出清单文件的测试,我可以说 JDK(在 1.7 版)写出清单条目,其中 行长度包括 EOL 字节。
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.jar.Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION;
public class ManifestTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Manifest m = new Manifest();
Attributes a = m.getMainAttributes();
a.put(MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); // required or the file doesn't get written
// Long-Property: This line has 72 characters without eol, it's hard to get
a.putValue("Line-Property", "This line has 72 characters without eol, it's hard to get");
// Long-Property: This line has 72 characters with eol, it is hard to get
a.putValue("Long-Property", "This line has 72 characters with eol, it is hard to get");
a.putValue("Massive-Property", "This line wraps around always as it has a lot of characters in it");
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.out.println(new String(out.toByteArray(), UTF_8));
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Long-Property: This line has 72 characters with eol, it is hard to get
Massive-Property: This line wraps around always as it has a lot of cha
racters in it
Line-Property: This line has 72 characters without eol, it's hard to g
适合一行,因为行内容为 70 个字符 + 2 个字符的 EOL,即 <= 72。具有 72 个字符的行内容的 Line-Property
被拆分分为两行,其中第一行包含前 70 个字符 + CR LF
后跟 space 和剩余的 2 个字符。
这里值得注意的是 Manifest
读取方法对行的长度很宽松,只要行不超过 512 字节长(包括 EOL 标记),它就会愉快地读取文件如下代码所示
Manifest m = new Manifest();
String longManifest = "Manifest-Version: 1.0\r\n" +
"Too-Long: This line is longer than 72 characters, does the Manifest class correctly \r\n" +
" handle parsing of it even over multiple lines?\r\n";
m.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(longManifest.getBytes(UTF_8)));
这很高兴将 This line is longer than 72 characters, does the Manifest class correctly handle parsing of it even over multiple lines?