如何在 Android Studio 1.5 中查看活动和 类 的泄漏

How to view leaks of Activities and Classes in Android Studio 1.5


下载了android-studio 1.5新版

Here is the link

我想查看 activity 和 class 中的漏洞。我正在努力寻找该工具,请任何人帮助我解决这个问题....

您可以在项目中使用 LeakCanary 库来跟踪应用程序中的泄漏。很容易整合

来自 http://developer.android.com/tools/revisions/studio.html:

Added new Memory Monitor analysis abilities to Android Monitor. When you view an HPROF file captured from this monitor, the display is now more helpful so you can more quickly locate problems, such as memory leaks. To use this monitor, click Android Monitor at the bottom of the main window. In Android Monitor, click the Memory tab. While the monitor is running, click the Dump Java Heap icon, and then click Captures in the main window and double-click the file to view it. (The Android Device Monitor can't be running at the same time as Android Monitor.)