使用 math.atan2 计算线段 (Python) 之间的角度

Calculating angles between line segments (Python) with math.atan2


每条线段只由两个点组成,每个点都有一对XY坐标(直角坐标)。这是来自 GeoGebra 的图片。 我一直对获得 0 到 180 度范围内的正角度感兴趣。但是,根据输入线段中顶点的顺序,我得到了各种角度。

我使用的输入数据以坐标元组的形式提供。根据顶点创建顺序,每个线段的 last/end 点可以不同。以下是 Python 代码中的一些案例。我得到它们的线段顺序是随机的,但在元组的元组中,第一个元素是起点,第二个元素是终点。例如,DE 线段将具有 ((1,1.5),(2,2)) 并且 (1,1.5) 是起点,因为它在坐标元组中具有第一个位置。

但是我需要确保在 DE,DFED,DF 之间得到相同的角度等等。

vertexType = "same start point; order 1"
            #X, Y    X Y coords
lineA = ((1,1.5),(2,2)) #DE
lineB = ((1,1.5),(2.5,0.5)) #DF
calcAngle(lineA, lineB,vertexType)
#flip lines order
vertexType = "same start point; order 2"
lineB = ((1,1.5),(2,2)) #DE
lineA = ((1,1.5),(2.5,0.5)) #DF
calcAngle(lineA, lineB,vertexType)

vertexType = "same end point; order 1"
lineA = ((2,2),(1,1.5)) #ED
lineB = ((2.5,0.5),(1,1.5)) #FE
calcAngle(lineA, lineB,vertexType)
#flip lines order
vertexType = "same end point; order 2"
lineB = ((2,2),(1,1.5)) #ED
lineA = ((2.5,0.5),(1,1.5)) #FE
calcAngle(lineA, lineB,vertexType)

vertexType = "one line after another - down; order 1"
lineA = ((2,2),(1,1.5)) #ED
lineB = ((1,1.5),(2.5,0.5)) #DF
calcAngle(lineA, lineB,vertexType)
#flip lines order
vertexType = "one line after another - down; order 2"
lineB = ((2,2),(1,1.5)) #ED
lineA = ((1,1.5),(2.5,0.5)) #DF
calcAngle(lineA, lineB,vertexType)

vertexType = "one line after another - up; line order 1"
lineA = ((1,1.5),(2,2)) #DE
lineB = ((2.5,0.5),(1,1.5)) #FD
calcAngle(lineA, lineB,vertexType)
#flip lines order
vertexType = "one line after another - up; line order 2"
lineB = ((1,1.5),(2,2)) #DE
lineA = ((2.5,0.5),(1,1.5)) #FD
calcAngle(lineA, lineB,vertexType)

我写了一个小函数,它将线的组合作为参数并计算它们之间的角度。我正在使用似乎最适合这个的 math.atan2

def calcAngle(lineA,lineB,vertexType):
    line1Y1 = lineA[0][1]
    line1X1 = lineA[0][0]
    line1Y2 = lineA[1][1]
    line1X2 = lineA[1][0]

    line2Y1 = lineB[0][1]
    line2X1 = lineB[0][0]
    line2Y2 = lineB[1][1]
    line2X2 = lineB[1][0]

    #calculate angle between pairs of lines
    angle1 = math.atan2(line1Y1-line1Y2,line1X1-line1X2)
    angle2 = math.atan2(line2Y1-line2Y2,line2X1-line2X2)
    angleDegrees = (angle1-angle2) * 360 / (2*math.pi)
    print angleDegrees, vertexType


> -299.744881297 same start point; order 1
> 299.744881297 same start point; order 2
> 60.2551187031 same end point; order 1
> -60.2551187031 same end point; order 2
> -119.744881297 one line after another - down; order 1
> 119.744881297 one line after another - down; order 2
> -119.744881297 one line after another - up; line order 1
> 119.744881297 one line after another - up; line order 2

如您所见,根据线段中顶点的顺序和线段顺序,我得到了不同的值。我试图 post-通过找出源线有什么样的关系并翻转线,编辑角度等来处理角度。我已经结束了十几个这样的案例,并且在某些时候他们开始了重叠,我再也无法确定 -119.744 应该变为 60.255(锐角)还是保留为 119.744(钝角)等

是否有任何离散的方法来处理我从 math.atan2 收到的输出角度值,以仅获得 0 到 180 范围内的正值? 如果没有,我应该采取什么样的其他方法?

工作量太大。取两个向量的 dot product 的反余弦的绝对值除以每条线的长度。



import math

def dot(vA, vB):
    return vA[0]*vB[0]+vA[1]*vB[1]

def ang(lineA, lineB):
    # Get nicer vector form
    vA = [(lineA[0][0]-lineA[1][0]), (lineA[0][1]-lineA[1][1])]
    vB = [(lineB[0][0]-lineB[1][0]), (lineB[0][1]-lineB[1][1])]
    # Get dot prod
    dot_prod = dot(vA, vB)
    # Get magnitudes
    magA = dot(vA, vA)**0.5
    magB = dot(vB, vB)**0.5
    # Get cosine value
    cos_ = dot_prod/magA/magB
    # Get angle in radians and then convert to degrees
    angle = math.acos(dot_prod/magB/magA)
    # Basically doing angle <- angle mod 360
    ang_deg = math.degrees(angle)%360
    if ang_deg-180>=0:
        # As in if statement
        return 360 - ang_deg
        return ang_deg

现在尝试你对 lineA 和 lineB 的变体,所有答案都应该给出相同的答案。


其中 'm1' 是直线 1 的斜率,'m2' 是直线 2 的斜率。如果直线 1 由点 P1 = [x1, y1] 和 P2 = [x2, y2],则斜率 'm' 为:


def slope(x1, y1, x2, y2): # Line slope given two points:
    return (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

def angle(s1, s2): 
    return math.degrees(math.atan((s2-s1)/(1+(s2*s1))))

lineA = ((0.6, 3.6), (1.6, 3))
lineB = ((1.6, 3), (2, 3.6))

slope1 = slope(lineA[0][0], lineA[0][1], lineA[1][0], lineA[1][1])
slope2 = slope(lineB[0][0], lineB[0][1], lineB[1][0], lineB[1][1])

ang = angle(slope1, slope2)
print('Angle in degrees = ', ang)