
Is there any way to convenient way to express graphs using the tying-the-knot strategy?

正如我在 中所解释的那样,如果您的节点上没有某种独特的标签,则不可能区分使用打结策略制作的两个图表。以二边图为例:

data Node = Node Int Node Node

square = a where
    a = Node 0 b c
    b = Node 1 a d
    c = Node 2 a d
    d = Node 3 b c

这样写square有点不方便,而且容易出错,因为需要手动写标签。这种模式通常需要一个 monad:

square = do
    a <- Node b c
    b <- Node a d
    c <- Node a d
    d <- Node b c
    return a

但这也无法完成,因为 monad 是顺序的。有什么方便的写打结图的方法吗?

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}

import Control.Monad.State

type Intividual a = State Int a

data Node = Node Int Node Node

newNode :: Node -> Node -> Intividual Node
newNode a b = state $ \i -> (Node i a b, succ i)

square :: Node
square = (`evalState`0) $ mdo
   a <- newNode b c
   b <- newNode a d
   c <- newNode a d
   d <- newNode b c
   return a