Google Apps 脚本 - 移动光标 onclick

Google Apps Script - Move Cursor onclick

我想在 Google Docs 文档的侧边栏中实现 Table 的目录,点击后会转到相应的部分。我正在逐个元素为侧边栏生成 HTML,我看到 Document class 中有一个 moveCursor(position) 函数,但我看不出如何实际使用 onclick 调用它。不是完整的代码,但显示了问题:

function generateHtml() {
  var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('<html><body>');
  var document = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
  var body = document.getBody();

  //Iterate each document element
  var totalElements = body.getNumChildren();
  for(var i = 0; i < totalElements; ++i) {
    var element = body.getChild(i);

    if(element.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH) {
      var text = paragraph.getText();

      if(text.trim()) { //Not blank paragraph
        var position = document.newPosition(element, 0);

        /**Would like to have <a onclick=document.moveCursor(position)> here**/

        //Show first 20 chars as preview in table of contents
        html.append('Detected paragraph ')
        .append(text.substring(0, 20))
        .append('<br />');

  return html;

如何在 Apps 脚本中完成此操作?代码可以根据需要完全重构。


/**Would like to have <a onclick=document.moveCursor(position)> here**/


<div onmouseup="myClientFunction()">Text Here</div>

<script> 标签添加到您的 HTML:

  var valueToSend = code to get value;

  window.myClientFunction = function() {

那么你需要在脚本文件(.gs 扩展名)中有一个 myGsFunctionToMoveCursor() 函数

function myGsFunctionToMoveCursor(valueReceived) {
  //To Do - Write code to move cursor in Google Doc
  . . . Code to move cursor