将 MUPDF 与 android 集成
Integrating MUPDF with android
我正在使用 this link 和此处给出的步骤,但我不明白如何
Change into the android directory (from MinGW) (Note, the android directory, NOT the android/jni directory!), and execute: ndk-build. This should build the native code portion and output two libraries StaticLibrary : libmupdfthirdparty.a and SharedLibrary : mupdf.so in the libs folder. It will also be shown on the console.
你可以从this link了解
我正在使用 this link 和此处给出的步骤,但我不明白如何 执行此步骤:
Change into the android directory (from MinGW) (Note, the android directory, NOT the android/jni directory!), and execute: ndk-build. This should build the native code portion and output two libraries StaticLibrary : libmupdfthirdparty.a and SharedLibrary : mupdf.so in the libs folder. It will also be shown on the console.
你可以从this link了解 它在我的项目中有效。