Oracle ASAP 代表什么?

What does Oracle ASAP stand for?

ASAP 在 Oracle 上下文中的缩写代表什么?


具体用在什么地方可以参考:ASAP Documentation

Oracle Communications ASAP provides a convergent service activation platform that automatically activates customer services in a heterogeneous network and IT environment. It supports the activation of consumer and business services in fixed and mobile domains against network and IT applications. ASAP enables rapid service design and network technology introduction by means of its metadata-driven architecture, design-time configuration environment, and catalog of pre-built activation cartridges to reduce deployment time, cost, and risk. The application has been deployed for mobile (3G, 4G and M2M) services and fixed multi-play (broadband, voice, video, and IT) services in telecommunications, cable and satellite environments as well as for business voice, data, and IT cloud services.