关于真实世界示例的 Redux 问题
Redux questions about the real-world example
我有几个关于 redux 的问题 real-world example。
与 async example 不同,其中 ajax 调用是直接使用分派进行的,真实世界的示例使用中间件来处理这个问题。在 React 应用程序中使用 redux 时推荐使用哪种方法?为什么?
我的猜测是中间件是可重用的,所以如果需要进行多次 ajax 调用,一个通用的 ajax 调用中间件就足够了,只要有不同的 api 路径作为参数传入。但同样的事情也可以用 dispatch 来表达...
中间件什么时候执行?通过查看源代码和阅读文档,我的理解是:dispatch an action -> all middlewares get executed , ajax calls can be made here and the returned json data can be put inside the action object and pass it onto the reducers-> reducers get executed
Unlike the async example where ajax calls are made direactly using dispatch, the real-world example uses middleware to deal with this. Which method is recommended when using redux in an react app? and why?
When do middlewares get executed? By looking at the source code and reading the doc, my understanding is: dispatch an action -> all middlewares get executed , ajax calls can be made here and the returned json data can be put inside the action object and pass it onto the reducers-> reducers get executed. Am I correct?
听起来不错。每个中间件都可以是异步的,并将操作传递给下一个中间件。当它们到达减速器时,它们需要成为普通对象。 Async Flow and Middleware 文档提到了这一点。
我有几个关于 redux 的问题 real-world example。
与 async example 不同,其中 ajax 调用是直接使用分派进行的,真实世界的示例使用中间件来处理这个问题。在 React 应用程序中使用 redux 时推荐使用哪种方法?为什么?
我的猜测是中间件是可重用的,所以如果需要进行多次 ajax 调用,一个通用的 ajax 调用中间件就足够了,只要有不同的 api 路径作为参数传入。但同样的事情也可以用 dispatch 来表达...
dispatch an action -> all middlewares get executed , ajax calls can be made here and the returned json data can be put inside the action object and pass it onto the reducers-> reducers get executed
Unlike the async example where ajax calls are made direactly using dispatch, the real-world example uses middleware to deal with this. Which method is recommended when using redux in an react app? and why?
When do middlewares get executed? By looking at the source code and reading the doc, my understanding is: dispatch an action -> all middlewares get executed , ajax calls can be made here and the returned json data can be put inside the action object and pass it onto the reducers-> reducers get executed. Am I correct?
听起来不错。每个中间件都可以是异步的,并将操作传递给下一个中间件。当它们到达减速器时,它们需要成为普通对象。 Async Flow and Middleware 文档提到了这一点。