Rails 4 表单:复选框未将值保存到数据库

Rails 4 form: checkbox not saving value to database

我有一个 Rails 4 应用,其 Post 型号如下:

create_table "posts", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.integer  "calendar_id"
    t.date     "date"
    t.time     "time"
    t.string   "subject"
    t.string   "format"
    t.text     "copy"
    t.datetime "created_at",         null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at",         null: false
    t.string   "image_file_name"
    t.string   "image_content_type"
    t.integer  "image_file_size"
    t.datetime "image_updated_at"
    t.string   "short_copy"
    t.integer  "score"
    t.boolean  "facebook"
    t.boolean  "twitter"
    t.boolean  "instagram"
    t.boolean  "pinterest"
    t.boolean  "google"
    t.boolean  "linkedin"
    t.boolean  "tumblr"
    t.boolean  "snapchat"
    t.string   "approval"

必须允许用户决定 post.facebooktrue 还是 false,这就是 :facebookboolean 的原因。

然后,我创建了下面的表格来让用户实际制作 post.facebook truefalse:

<%= form_for [@calendar, @calendar.posts.build], html: { multipart: true } do |f| %>
  <% if @post.errors.any? %>
    <div id="error_explanation">
      <h2><%= pluralize(@post.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this post from being saved:</h2>

      <% @post.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
        <li><%= message %></li>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>


  <div class="field">
    <h3>Post details</h3>
      <%= f.label :date %>
      <%= f.date_select :date %>
      <%= f.label :time %>
      <%= f.time_select :time %>
      <%= f.label :format %>
      <%= f.select :format, ['Simple Status', 'Image', 'Link', 'Video'] %>
    <h3>Post content</h3>
      <%= f.label :subject %>
      <%= f.text_field :subject %>
      <%= f.label :copy %>
      <%= f.text_area :copy %>
      <%= f.label :short_copy, "Short copy (Twitter only)" %>
      <%= f.text_area :short_copy %>
    <h3>Social channels</h3>
      <%= f.label_tag(:facebook, "Facebook" )%>
      <%= f.check_box_tag(:facebook) %>
      <%= f.label_tag(:twitter, "Twitter") %>
      <%= f.check_box_tag(:twitter) %>
      <%= f.label_tag(:instagram, "Instagram") %>
      <%= f.check_box_tag(:instagram) %>
      <%= f.label_tag(:pinterest, "Pinterest") %>
      <%= f.check_box_tag(:pinterest) %>
      <%= f.label_tag(:google, "Google+") %>
      <%= f.check_box_tag(:google) %>
      <%= f.label_tag(:linkedin, "LinkedIn") %>
      <%= f.check_box_tag(:linkedin) %>
      <%= f.label_tag(:tumblr, "Tumblr") %>
      <%= check_box_tag(:tumblr) %>
      <%= f.label_tag(:snapchat, "Snapchat") %>
      <%= f.check_box_tag(:snapchat) %>
      <%= f.label :image %><br>
      <%= f.file_field :image %>
  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

而且我确实清理了 posts_controller.rb:

def post_params
  params.require(:post).permit(:date, :time, :subject, :format, :copy, :image, :short_copy, :score, :facebook, :twitter, :instagram, :pinterest, :google, :linkedin, :tumblr, :snapchat, :approval)

问题是,每当我尝试 create 新的 post 或 edit 现有的 post,并选中 :facebook 复选框时,然后保存 post,值仍然设置为 nil.


UPDATE:这是我的服务器日志,当我尝试更新 post:

Started PATCH "/posts/2" for ::1 at 2015-10-16 11:13:38 -0700
Processing by PostsController#update as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"gqhmCHecVEJdqvOE18HQTEVk+jlcJ9pBi1hYJ+7GQuXHUW2VbDyZggDlCx9uKddI+iCXkd1yhrW9RWZXv4/oUw==", "post"=>{"date(1i)"=>"2015", "date(2i)"=>"9", "date(3i)"=>"22", "time(1i)"=>"2000", "time(2i)"=>"1", "time(3i)"=>"1", "time(4i)"=>"08", "time(5i)"=>"15", "format"=>"Image", "subject"=>"Yet another image test.", "copy"=>"What about it this time?", "short_copy"=>""}, "facebook"=>"1", "commit"=>"Update Post", "id"=>"2"}
  Post Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = ? LIMIT 1  [["id", 2]]
   (0.1ms)  begin transaction
   (0.1ms)  commit transaction
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/calendars/3
Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)

从那里,我会说 "facebook"=>"1" 和 post 已保存,但是当我转到终端中的 rails console 时,我仍然得到 "facebook"=>nil


更新 2:这是我使用 <%= check_box_tag(["post"]["facebook"]) %> 时的新服务器日志:

Started PATCH "/posts/2" for ::1 at 2015-10-16 11:24:07 -0700
Processing by PostsController#update as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"ByX04ciySTvKglgJGdTGsXSIOou443o02FfPJqNSn6BC3P980xKE+5fNoJKgPMG1y8xXIzm2JsDuSvFW8hs1Fg==", "post"=>{"date(1i)"=>"2015", "date(2i)"=>"9", "date(3i)"=>"22", "time(1i)"=>"2000", "time(2i)"=>"1", "time(3i)"=>"1", "time(4i)"=>"08", "time(5i)"=>"15", "format"=>"Image", "subject"=>"Yet another image test.", "copy"=>"What about it this time?", "short_copy"=>""}, "facebook"=>"1", "commit"=>"Update Post", "id"=>"2"}
  Post Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = ? LIMIT 1  [["id", 2]]
   (0.1ms)  begin transaction
   (0.1ms)  commit transaction
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/calendars/3
Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms)


更新 3:这里(再次)是我使用 <%= check_box_tag("post[facebook]") %>:

Started PATCH "/posts/2" for ::1 at 2015-10-16 11:31:25 -0700
Processing by PostsController#update as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"vOBGP+yXhCd9GpIbOx6+UqZCptsQcBKvfX5MM2sgvHz5GU2i9zdJ5yBVaoCC9rlWGQbLc5ElTltLY3JDOmkWyg==", "post"=>{"date(1i)"=>"2015", "date(2i)"=>"9", "date(3i)"=>"22", "time(1i)"=>"2000", "time(2i)"=>"1", "time(3i)"=>"1", "time(4i)"=>"08", "time(5i)"=>"15", "format"=>"Image", "subject"=>"Yet another image test.", "copy"=>"What about it this time?", "short_copy"=>""}, "facebook"=>"1", "commit"=>"Update Post", "id"=>"2"}
  Post Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = ? LIMIT 1  [["id", 2]]
   (0.2ms)  begin transaction
   (0.1ms)  commit transaction
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/calendars/3
Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.5ms)


更新 4:还有一些服务器日志,当我使用 <%= f.checkbox :facebook %>:

Started PATCH "/posts/2" for ::1 at 2015-10-16 11:35:32 -0700
Processing by PostsController#update as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"kl0vM/bXVM+0m9z4JD4g/HcVA5YY4NYOfGnd/YP7kjjXpCSu7XeZD+nUJGOd1if4yFFuPpm1ivpKdOON0rI4jg==", "post"=>{"date(1i)"=>"2015", "date(2i)"=>"9", "date(3i)"=>"22", "time(1i)"=>"2000", "time(2i)"=>"1", "time(3i)"=>"1", "time(4i)"=>"08", "time(5i)"=>"15", "format"=>"Image", "subject"=>"Yet another image test.", "copy"=>"What about it this time?", "short_copy"=>""}, "facebook"=>"1", "commit"=>"Update Post", "id"=>"2"}
  Post Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."id" = ? LIMIT 1  [["id", 2]]
   (0.2ms)  begin transaction
   (0.1ms)  commit transaction
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/calendars/3
Completed 302 Found in 9ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms)



我发现了以下 Stack Overflow 问题,但无法从中找到解决问题的方法:

这似乎是一个基本要求/问题,我相信我遵循了 Rails 文档,但我无法弄明白。


您的 facebook 属性不在 post 参数内。


<%= form_for [@calendar, @post], html: { multipart: true } do |f| %>

<%= f.check_box :facebook, checked: true %>

看起来您应该从 @crispychicken 那里获得您需要的信息,但是由于您似乎正在努力使其正常工作,因此您需要执行以下操作:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
   def new
       @calendar = Calendar.find params[:calendar_id]
       @post = @calendar.posts.new

   def create
       @calendar = Calendar.find params[:calendar_id]
       @post = @calendar.posts.new post_params


   def post_params
      params.require(:post).permit(:date, :time, :subject, :format, :copy, :image, :short_copy, :score, :facebook, :twitter, :instagram, :pinterest, :google, :linkedin, :tumblr, :snapchat, :approval)


<%= form_for [@calendar, @post] do |f| %>
    <%= f.check_box :facebook %>
<% end %>

这与您的其他代码一起应该能够创建一个新的 post 并插入 facebook 值。





此外,请勿使用 HTML 来设计您的应用程序。当您可以轻松地在您的一个 div 上使用 border-top 时,您正在使用 <hr><hr> 应该 用于在您的实际内容中真正提供水平线, 而不是 作为风格化元素。

<%= content_tag :div, class: error_explanation do %>
   <%= content_tag :h2, "#{pluralize(@post.errors.count, "error")} prohibited this post from being saved:" %>
   <%= content_tag :ul do %>
      <%= errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
         <%= content_tag :li, message %>
      <% end %>
   <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= form_for [@calendar, @post], html: { multipart: true } do |f| %>
  <% render "errors", locals: { errors: @post.errors } if @post.errors.any? %>

  <%= content_tag :div, class: "field" do %>
    <%= content_tag :h3, "Post details" %>

    <% time = %i(date time) %>
    <% time.each do |t| %>
       <%= content_tag :p do %>
            <%= f.label :t %>
            <%= f.send("#{t}_select", t %>
       <% end %>
    <% end %>
    <%= content_tag :p do %>
      <%= f.label :format %>
      <%= f.select :format, ['Simple Status', 'Image', 'Link', 'Video'] %>
    <% end %>

    <%= content_tag :h3, "Post content" %>
    <% opts = [[:subject, "text_field"],[:copy, "text_area"]] %>
    <% opts.each do |type, field| %>
       <%= content_tag :p do %>
           <%= f.label type %>
           <%= f.send(field, type) %>
       <% end %>
    <% end %>
    <%= content_tag :p do %>
      <%= f.label :short_copy, "Short copy (Twitter only)" %>
      <%= f.text_area :short_copy %>
    <% end%>

    <% content_tag :h3, "Social channels" %>
    <% social = %i(facebook twitter instagram pinterest google linkedin tumblr snapchat) %>
    <% social.each do |s| %>
       <%= content_tag :p do %>
          <%= f.label_tag(s, s.to_s.titleize)%>
          <%= f.check_box_tag s %>
       <% end %>
    <% end %>

    <%= content_tag :h3, "Post Image" %>
    <%= content_tag :p do %>
      <%= f.label :image %>
      <%= f.file_field :image %>
    <% end %>

  <% end %>

  <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>