创建一个程序,如果按字典顺序输入三个单词则打印 true

Creating a program that prints true if three words are entered in dictionary order

我正在尝试创建一个程序,要求用户输入三个单词并打印 'True' 如果这些单词是按字典顺序输入的。例如:

Enter first word: chicken

Enter second word: fish

Enter third word: zebra



first = (input('Enter first word: '))
second = (input('Enter second word: '))
third = (input('Enter third word: '))
s = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h',
if s.find(first[0]) > s.find(second[0]) and s.find(second[0]) >                                  s.find(third[0]):

如果您处理任意长度的列表,我相信使用 sorted() as other answers indicate is good for small lists (with small strings) , when it comes to larger lists and larger strings and cases (and cases where the list can be randomly ordered), a faster way would be to use all() built-in function and a generator expression (This should be faster than the sorted() 方法)。例子-

#Assuming list is called lst
print(all(lst[i].lower() < lst[i+1].lower() for i in range(len(lst)-1)))

请注意,上面的代码最终会对每个字符串(第一个和最后一个字符串除外)调用 str.lower() 两次。除非你的字符串非常大,否则这应该没问题。

如果您的字符串与列表的长度相比确实非常大,您可以在执行 all() 之前创建另一个临时列表,以小写形式存储所有字符串。然后 运行 该列表上的相同逻辑。

您可以使用列表理解创建列表(通过获取用户的输入),示例 -

lst = [input("Enter word {}:".format(i)) for i in range(3)] #Change 3 to the number of elements you want to take input from user.

上述方法的计时结果与 sorted()(修改后的 sorted() 代码不区分大小写)-

In [5]: lst = ['{:0>7}'.format(i) for i in range(1000000)]

In [6]: lst == sorted(lst,key=str.lower)
Out[6]: True

In [7]: %timeit lst == sorted(lst,key=str.lower)
1 loops, best of 3: 204 ms per loop

In [8]: %timeit all(lst[i].lower() < lst[i+1].lower() for i in range(len(lst)-1))
1 loops, best of 3: 439 ms per loop

In [11]: lst = ['{:0>7}'.format(random.randint(1,10000)) for i in range(1000000)]

In [12]: %timeit lst == sorted(lst,key=str.lower)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.08 s per loop

In [13]: %timeit all(lst[i].lower() < lst[i+1].lower() for i in range(len(lst)-1))
The slowest run took 6.20 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.89 µs per loop


对于应该 return True (已经排序的列表)的情况,使用 sorted()all() 快得多,因为 sorted() 有效适用于大部分排序的列表。

对于随机情况,all()sorted() 效果更好,因为 all() 的短路特性(它会在看到第一个 False ).

此外,sorted() 会在内存中创建一个临时(排序列表)(用于比较),而 all() 则不需要(这个事实确实归因于我们在上面看到的时间)。

之前直接回答(并且只适用于这个问题)你可以简单地直接比较字符串,你不需要另一个 string/list 来表示字母。例子-

first = (input('Enter first word: '))
second = (input('Enter second word: '))
third = (input('Enter third word: '))
if first <= second <= third:


if first[0] <= second[0] <= third[0]:


if first.lower() <= second.lower() <= third.lower():


print(first.lower() <= second.lower() <= third.lower())

是的,列表没有 find 方法。尽管您甚至 都不会使用列表。 <=(以及 >=)运算符按字典顺序比较序列。此外,Python 支持链式比较。我会这样写:

first = input('Enter first word: ')
second = input('Enter second word: ')
third = input('Enter third word: ')
print(first <= second <= third)

如果超过 3 个单词,您会将它们收集到一个列表中,对其进行排序并与源列表进行比较。示例:

words = input('Enter words (separated by whitespace): ').split()
print(sorted(words) == words) # True if sorted() didn't re-order anything

这两种方法都适用于少量单词。如果单词数很大,你应该考虑使用 built-in all function 和生成器表达式的短路解决方案:

prev_it, cur_it = iter(words), iter(words)
# Consume first element
# Pairwise iteration
print(all(prev <= cur for prev, cur in zip(prev_it, cur_it)))


如果要进行不区分大小写的比较,在Python 3.3+中使用str.lower (or str.casefold


print(first.lower() <= second.lower() <= third.lower())


words = [s.lower() for s in input('Enter words (separated by whitespace): ').split()]

将单词存储在 list and then check it with sorted() 中。您可以通过指定一个查看每个单词的小写版本以进行比较的键来使其忽略大小写:

words = input("Enter three words, separated by spaces: ").split()
print(words == sorted(words, key=str.lower))