为什么 conda 不升级 windows 上的某些软件包

Why does conda not upgrade some packages on windows


conda update --all



conda update pandas


The following packages will be UPDATED:

    numpy:  1.9.3-py27_0      --> 1.10.1-py27_0
    pandas: 0.16.2-np19py27_0 --> 0.17.0-np110py27_0


conda 在您更新时自动检查依赖项。

Pandas 可以与 NumPy 1.10.1 一起使用,但可能您还有其他软件包仍然需要 NumPy 1.9.3。

如果您要更新 NumPy 然后尝试更新所有其他包,它可能会要求您将 NumPy 降级回 1.9.3。


It's a compatibility issue. Anaconda is a stable set of packages. When you update Anaconda, you update to this stable list.

However, when you update individual packages, they might cause incompatibility issues with the rest of the Anaconda distribution so they aren't considered stable. That's why when you use conda update --all, it gets you to the latest stable Anaconda distribution, which might or might not have the version of the individual package you wanted.

See here: https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/39

Edit: This behavior has changed. It now tries to increase the version of all packages (except Python between major/minor version) such that no packages will be incompatible with each other.

See here: http://continuum.io/blog/advanced-conda-part-1#conda-update-all
