为什么 Postgres C 库称为 libpq 而不是 libpg?

Why is the Postgres C library called libpq instead of libpg?

Postgres 世界中的一切都有共同的缩写 pg,调用 Postgres 的 c-library libpg 似乎比 libpq 更合乎逻辑。为什么叫libpqlibpg 是否已被其他工具占用?

来自 https://pgolub.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/libpq-stands-for/,归功于 Bruce Momjian:

Libpq is called ‘libpq’ because of the original use of the QUEL query language, i.e. lib Post-QUEL. We have a proud backward-compatibility history with this library.