在 Unity Coroutine 中等待事件?

Waiting for event inside Unity Coroutine?

所以我有一个 Unity 协程方法,其中有一些对象。这些对象表示从某处服务器收集的值,并在准备就绪时发出 Updated 事件。

我想知道在 Unity 的协同程序中等待所有值更新的最佳方法是什么。

public IEnumerator DoStuff()
    foreach(var val in _updateableValues)
        if (val.Value != null) continue;
        else **wait for val.Updated to be fired then continue**
    //... here I do stuff with all the values
    // I use the WWW class here, so that's why it's a coroutine



自旋锁是一种解决方案,但不是非常 CPU 温和的解决方案。在自旋锁中,您只需等待变量具有特定值,否则会休眠几毫秒。

public IEnumerator DoStuff()
     /* wait until we have the value we want */
     while( value != desiredValue)
         yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.001f);
    //after this loop, start the real processing

也许您可能想要考虑重构您的代码,这样就不需要自旋锁,但可以实施更基于 interupt/event-based 的方法。这意味着,如果您更新了一个值并且在它发生后必须发生某些事情,请在更改该值后直接将其启动。在 C# 中,甚至还有一个用于该设计模式的接口 INotifyPropertyChanged(请参阅 MSDN),但您也可以轻松地自己设计它,例如通过在特定值更改时触发事件。如果你想要一个比自旋锁更好的解决方案,我们需要更多关于你到底想在这里做出什么反应的信息,但这应该会给你一些想法。


bool eventHappened;

//Event subscriber that sets the flag
void OnEvent(){

//Coroutine that waits until the flag is set
IEnumerator WaitForEvent() {
    yield return new WaitUntil(eventHappened);

//Main coroutine, that stops and waits somewhere within it's execution
IEnumerator MainCoroutine(){
   //Other stuff...
   yield return StartCoroutine(WaitForEvent());
   //Oher stuff...

考虑到这一点,创建一个等待 UnityEvent 的通用协程很容易:

private IEnumerator WaitUntilEvent(UnityEvent unityEvent) {
    var trigger = false;
    Action action = () => trigger = true;
    yield return new WaitUntil(()=>trigger);

我直接在需要的地方使用WaitUntil。不过我发现,WaitUntil 不需要布尔值,而是需要一个布尔谓词函数 - 所以我在下面的示例中提供了这个。

示例是来自游戏的真实 运行 代码。它在第一个场景中运行,在我开始播放音乐之前 - 稍微冗长 - 加载其他内容。

     public class AudioSceneInitializer : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] private GlobalEventsSO globalEvents;
        //globalEvents is a scriptable object that - in my case - holds all events in the game
        [SerializeField] private AudioManager audioManager;
        //The audio manager which in my case will raise the audio ready event
        [SerializeField] public GameObject audioGO;// contains AudioSources used by AudioManager
        private bool audioReady = false;

        // Start is called before the first frame update
        IEnumerator Start()
            if (audioManager != null)
            //better check, if we don't produce the event, we wait forever
                //subscribe to event
                globalEvents.audioManagerReadyEvent += OnAudioReady;
                //do something to raise the event - else we wait forever
                audioManager.onInitialization(this);//"this" needed to hand over the audioGO to the AudioManager
                //  waits until the flag is set;
                yield return new WaitUntil(IsAudioReady);
            //now that we have music playing, we load the actual game 
            SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(1, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
        //Event subscriber that sets the flag
        void OnAudioReady()
            //unsubscribing, if - as in my case - it happens only once in the game
            globalEvents.audioManagerReadyEvent -= OnAudioReady;
            audioReady = true;
        //predicate function that WaitUntil expects
        private bool IsAudioReady()
            return audioReady;
        public void OnDisable()