如何修复 "You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/gb2/gbrowse/yeast on this server."

How to fix "You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/gb2/gbrowse/yeast on this server."

我尝试在 ubuntu 15:04 安装 gbrowse2。当安装顺利时,但当我调用 link 时显示错误消息


You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/gb2/gbrowse/yeast on this server. Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80


sudo chmod 755 +R /cgi-bin/gb2/gbrowse/

这些更改解决了权限问题并按例外情况执行了 cgi 文件。

阿帕奇 2.2:

LoadModule cgid_module /mod_cgid.so
LoadModule cgi_module /mod_cgi.so

<IfModule alias_module>
  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "local/scratch/apache/cgi-bin/"

 <Directory "/pathtocgifolder/cgi-bin/">
   AllowOverride none
   AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
   Options +ExecCGI