
vertically justify the created pattern

我已经使用 PHP-Imagick 创建了一个重复圆圈的图案图像,就像上面给定的示例图像一样。下面是创建上面图像的代码。我已经明确地注释了代码并且变量名保持非常冗长以便知道发生了什么。

$canvas = new Imagick(); 
$cw = 700; // user provided width
$ch = 300; //user provided height
$hrzntl_c = 10; //user provided - number of horizontal circles - min 2 and max 200

$c_diamtr = $cw / $hrzntl_c; //set the diameter of circle
$c_radius = $c_diamtr /2; //set the radius of circle

$vrtcl_c = $ch / $c_diamtr; //calculated number of vertical circles.

$canvas->newImage( $cw, $ch, new ImagickPixel( "seagreen" ) ); //create a canvas

    $draw = new ImagickDraw(); // create a draw object                  
    $draw->setFillColor( new ImagickPixel( "white" ) ); // set the fill color

    for ($i = 0; $i <= $hrzntl_c; $i++){ //loop horizontal
        for ($j = 0; $j <= $vrtcl_c; $j++){ //loop vertical
        $draw->ellipse( $c_radius + $c_diamtr * $i, $c_radius + $c_diamtr * $j, $c_radius, $c_radius, 0, 360 );

    $canvas->drawImage( $draw ); // render the circles to the canvas
    $canvas->setImageFormat( "png" ); // set the image format to png
    header("Content-Type: image/png"); // Output the image 
    echo $canvas;

问题:现在您已经知道圆圈设计为水平对齐。我也需要帮助来证明垂直圆圈的合理性。查看示例图像的底部,您可以看到圆圈确实没有对齐。 "justified",我的意思是,如果您在顶部看到一个 half/full 圆圈,那么您也应该在底部看到一个 half/full 圆圈。喜欢这个完美的例子。


$vrtcl_c = ceil($ch / $c_diamtr);
$verticalOffset = ($ch - $vrtcl_c * c_diamtr) / 2;


for ($j = 0; $j < $vrtcl_c; $j++){ //loop vertical
    $draw->ellipse( $c_radius + $c_diamtr * $i, 
                    $c_radius + $c_diamtr * $j + $verticalOffset,
                    $c_radius, $c_radius, 0, 360 );