Python- 如何在没有 window 冻结的情况下让函数等待或在 tkinter 中使用 while 循环

Python- How to make a function wait or use a while loop in tkinter without the window freezing

我已经使用 Tkinter 为一个简单的加密程序设置了一个 GUI,它使用 Entry() 框作为密钥和输入。我正在尝试的是,如果他们将密钥框留空并点击加密,则强制用户重新输入密钥。以前,该程序只会为他们生成一个随机密钥,并使用 messagebox.showinfo 显示它,并使用 Key_Box.insert(0, Key)


我现在使用的是重定向,Key_Box.focus() 和一个 messagebox.showinfo 告诉用户他们还没有输入密钥。 问题是在这一点之后我无法阻止该功能继续运行,它只是继续运行。当整个程序都是基于文本的时候,我可以只输入

while Key == "":
    Key = input("Input a new key:")

但是 Tkinter 使用 while 循环或 time.sleep(n) 会阻止程序响应(可以理解,因为它都在循环中运行)。


psuedo- if Key == "":
            cursor at Key_Box 
            display ok button
            until OK is pressed:
                key = Keybox.get()

我的其余代码如下所示- 注意 - 它需要清理,或者 Tkinter 总是看起来有点乱

import time, random
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()

##Encrypt and Decrypt
Master_Key = "0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#£$%&'()*+,-./:;?@[\]^_`{|}~r\x0b\x0c"
def Encrypt(User_Input, Key):
    Output = ""
    for i in range(len(User_Input)): 
        Ref_For_Output = Master_Key.index(User_Input[i]) + Master_Key.index(Key[i])
        if Ref_For_Output >= len(Master_Key):        
            Ref_For_Output -= len(Master_Key)
        Output += Master_Key[Ref_For_Output]
    return Output 
def Decrypt(User_Input, Key):
    Output = ""
    for i in range(len(User_Input)):
        Ref_For_Output = Master_Key.index(User_Input[i]) - Master_Key.index(Key[i])
        if Ref_For_Output < 0:
            Ref_For_Output += len(Master_Key)
        Output += Master_Key[Ref_For_Output]
    return Output    

def Compatibility(User_Input, Key):
    if Key == "":
##        while len(Key) < 5:
##            Key += Master_Key[random.randint(0, (len(Master_Key)-1))]
##        Key_Box.insert(0, Key)
##        messagebox.showinfo(title="Error!", message="Your key cannot be blank, your new randomly generated key is: \n" + Key)
    Temp = 0
    while len(Key) < len(User_Input): 
        Key += (Key[Temp])
        Temp += 1
    return Key

root.title("A451 CAM2")
#root.geometry("300x100")- Window will resize as I add to the Output_Box
##Input label
Label1 = Label(root, text="Input: ")
Label1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10)
##Key label
Label2 = Label(root, text="Key:   ")
Label2.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10)
##Output label
Label3 = Label(root, text="Output: ")
Label3.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10)
##Input entry box
Input_Box = Entry(root, bg="grey60")
Input_Box.grid(row=0, column=1)
#Key entry box
Key_Box = Entry(root, bg="grey60")
Key_Box.grid(row=1, column=1)
##The Output box
Output_Box = Text(root, height=1, width=15)
Output_Box.grid(row=2, column=1, rowspan=2)

##Encrypt button action- Manages setting input, checking the key, changing the Encrypt button, showing a message, changing output box, and adding to clipboard
def Encrypt_Button_Press():
    User_Input = Input_Box.get()
    Key = Compatibility(User_Input, Key_Box.get())
    root.clipboard_append(Encrypt(User_Input, Key))
    Output_Box.insert(INSERT, Encrypt(User_Input, Key) + "\n")
    New_Height = Output_Box.cget("height") + 1
    Output_Box.configure(bg="green4", height=New_Height)
    messagebox.showinfo("Complete", "Your encrypted text is: \n" + Encrypt(User_Input, Key) + "\n The text has been added to your clipboard.")
##Decrypt button action- Manages setting input, checking the key, changing the Decrypt button, showing a message, changing output box, and adding to clipboard 
def Decrypt_Button_Press():
    User_Input = Input_Box.get()
    Key = Key = Compatibility(User_Input, Key_Box.get())
    root.clipboard_append(Decrypt(User_Input, Key))
    Output_Box.insert(INSERT, Encrypt(User_Input, Key) + "\n")
    New_Height = Output_Box.cget("height") + 1
    Output_Box.configure(bg="green4", height=New_Height)
    messagebox.showinfo("Complete", "Your Decrypted text is: \n" + Decrypt(User_Input, Key) + "\n The text has been added to your clipboard.")
##The Clear button action
def Clear_All():
    Key_Box.delete(0, END)
    Output_Box.delete(1.0, END)
    Output_Box.configure(bg="grey60", height=1)

##The Encrypt button
Encrypt_Button = Button(text="Encrypt", command=Encrypt_Button_Press, width=10, bg="green")
Encrypt_Button.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=10)
##The Decrypt button
Decrypt_Button = Button(text="Decrypt", command=Decrypt_Button_Press, width=10, bg="orange")
Decrypt_Button.grid(row=1, column = 3, padx=10)
##The clear button
Clear_Button = Button(text="Clear", command=Clear_All, bg="red", width=10)
Clear_Button.grid(row=2, column=3)


预先感谢您的帮助,我查看了 after() 但这涉及调用更多函数并且似乎不太适用于我正在尝试做的事情。
