
instantiating a new object in cpp

我有 3 个 class 叫做 Starter、Pizza 和 Dessert,它们在创建对象时接受可变数量的字符串输入,例如,

//pizza takes 2 inputs
Pizza p("margarita","large size");

//starter takes 3 inputs
Starter s("ribs","bbq sauce","small size");

但我想使用函数 add() 创建一个 new 对象,该函数接受一个字符串并将其与 class 匹配以创建一个新对象。例如

add(string type)
   if(type == "Pizza")
     Pizza *p = new Pizza();

   else if(type == "Starter ")
     Starter *p = new Starter ();

现在我的问题是,如何以用户友好的方式向 classes 提供输入?通过用户友好,我认为用户可以将 class 的所有输入写在一行中,而不是使用 cin 来获取每个输入。


cout<<"What type of pizza";
cin>>*input* <<endl;
cout<<"What size";
cin>>*input* <<endl;


输入 "margarita","large"

// Read complete string.
// Eg. margarita large
string order;
getline(cin, order);

// It automatically parses string based on space
istringstream is(order);
string meal, size;
is >> meal;
is >> size;

感谢@MuratKarakus。只是扩展他的答案以支持这种类型的输入 "margarita","large"

// Read complete string.
// Eg. margarita large
string order;
getline(cin, order);

std::replace( order.begin(), order.end(), ',', ' '); // this'll replace all ',' with space

// It automatically parses string based on space
istringstream is(order);
string meal, size;
is >> meal;
is >> size;    


下面的代码是为了支持像"1/2 margarita 1/2 bbq delux", "large"

// Read complete string.
// Eg. margarita large
string order;
getline(cin, order);
std::replace( order.begin(), order.end(), ' ', '-'); // this'll replace all space with '-'
std::replace( order.begin(), order.end(), ',', ' '); // this'll replace all ',' with space
// It automatically parses string based on space
istringstream is(order);
string meal, size;
is >> meal;
std::replace( meal.begin(), meal.end(), '-', ' '); // this'll replace all '-' with space

is >> size;