如何增加 dailyMotion 的上传视频限制?

How increase upload video limit on dailyMotion?

Resource upload many videos on "dailyMotion", but 4 video per hour it's really small for our resource.

Official, we can upload 96 video (4 video per hour) and max 2000 mb.

My asks:

  1. 此限制适用于所有语言,或者我可以对每种语言使用此限制。
  2. 如何增加限制(不同的方法)

我写信给 "dailyMotion" 支持,每天我都会收到回复。


"You can only send 96 videos and/or 2hrs per 24h on Dailymotion and a maximum duration of 60 minutes per video. We suggest you wait before proceeding to a new upload, but you can still watch videos and post comments.".*
