我如何 运行 检查我的功能中使用的所有标签?

How can I run checks on all the tags used in my features?



Feature: Fight or flight
  In order to increase the ninja survival rate,
  As a ninja commander
  I want my ninjas to decide whether to take on an
  opponent based on their skill levels

  Scenario: Weaker opponent
    Given the ninja has a third level black-belt
    When attacked by a samurai
    Then the ninja should engage the opponent

  Scenario: Stronger opponent
    Given the ninja has a third level black-belt
    When attacked by Chuck Norris
    Then the ninja should run for his life

Feature: showing off behave

  Scenario: run a simple test
    Given we have behave installed
     when we implement a test
     then behave will test it for us!

我会得到标签列表 ['opponent', 'wip', 'dummy']

您可以通过在您的 environment.py 中添加一个 before_scenario 挂钩来实现它,它会遍历场景的标签:

def before_scenario(context, scenario):
    for tag in scenario.tags:
        if tag not in (... tuple of valid values ...):
            raise ValueError("unexpected tag: " + tag)


或者如果你不关心标签是否附加到场景或功能上,你可以使用 before_tag 钩子而不是上面的两个钩子:

def before_tag(context, tag):
    if tag not in (... tuple of valid values...):
        raise ValueError("unexpected tag: " + tag)

我使用以下 shell 命令获取我在所有功能文件中使用的所有标签的列表:

grep -r --include="*.feature" -h "^\s*@[[:alnum:]._=:,;()-]\+" | tr "[ \r]" "\n" | sed '/^$/d' | sort | uniq -c


  • 递归 grep 以匹配特征文件中以标记开头的所有行,而不打印文件名 (-h)。正则表达式符合有效标签的定义,here.
  • 使用 tr 将空格转换为换行符(对我来说,回车符 returns 也转换为换行符,因为我在 WSL 中并且我的功能文件有 CRLF 结尾).
  • sed删除空行。
  • 排序。
  • 使用 uniq 删除重复项,并打印每个标签遇到的次数 (-c)。


     13 @bar
      5 @baz
      2 @disabled
      1 @foo
      1 @wip