在 AngularJS 中使用 ng-change 时如何将 'time' 的输入类型转换为字符串?

How to convert an input type of 'time' into a string while using ng-change in AngularJS?

我想将时间输入转换为字符串或时间戳,以便 Firebase 支持它。



<html ng-app='app'>
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.2/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.firebase.com/js/client/2.0.2/firebase.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.firebase.com/libs/angularfire/0.9.0/angularfire.min.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="ctrl">
      <input ng-change="data.$save()"  ng-model="data.text">
        <input type='time' ng-change="data.$save()"  ng-model="data.time"></input>


var app = angular.module("app", ["firebase"]);
app.controller("ctrl", ["$scope","$firebase", function($scope,$firebase)                                      
      var ref = new Firebase('https://welcome.firebaseIO.com/Data/RandomUser');
        $scope.data = $firebase(ref).$asObject();

参见codpen here


尝试在 data.time

的末尾添加 .toString()
<input type='time' ng-change="data.$save()"  ng-model="data.time.toString()">

尝试在数据末尾添加 .toString()。$save()

<input type='time' ng-change="data.$save().toString()"  ng-model="data.time">

我还查看了 ng-change documentation,它表明表达式会立即求值,所以 ng-change 可能无法做到这一点。

日期操作作为 an example in the AngularFire API docs (search for "To illustrate, let’s create a factory that creates Widget instances, and transforms dates:") and, as a topic, manipulating data is covered in the section on extending services. There is also a fiddle 演示日期操作给出。

这是来自 fiddle 的示例:

 * Add a factory object which parses dates
app.factory('DateFactory', function ($firebaseObject) {
    return $firebaseObject.$extend({
         * Called each time there is an update from the server
         * to update our data
        $$updated: function (snap) {
            // call the super
            var changed = $firebaseObject.prototype
                .$$updated.apply(this, arguments);
            // manipulate the date
            if( changed ) {
               this.date = new Date(this.date||0);
            // inform the sync manager that it changed
            return changed;

         * Used when our data is saved back to the server
         * to convert our dates back to JSON
        toJSON: function() {
            return angular.extend({}, this, {
                // revert Date objects to json data
                date: this.date? this.date.getTime() : null
