
what wrong with "<>" missing

我编写了一个程序来将系统日志发送到远程 sever.Part 我的代码如下:

sprintf(syslogBuf,"<%d>LogTime=\"%s\";user=\"%s\";IP=\"%s\";Sip=\"%s\";OpType=\"%s\";OpResult=\"%d\";OpText=\"%s %s\"",

并且我使用 sendto() 发送 syslogBuf 到远程 sylog sever.But 服务器收到的是:

LogTime="2015-10-20 14:33:57";user="root";IP="";Sip="";OpType="show meminfo";OpResult="0";OpText="root show meminfo"

为什么<%d>错过了? 发送码如下:

if(UdpSendData(sockfd,syslogBuf,strlen(syslogBuf),syslogServer,SYSLOGPORT) == -1);
perror("send failed");


int UdpSendData(int sockfd,const char *buf, UINT32 dataLen, char *remoteIP, int remotePort)

struct sockaddr_in RemoteAddr;
int len;

if( sockfd <= -1)
    printf("%s send fail,sock error.\n",__FUNCTION__);
    return -1;
if((buf == NULL)||(remoteIP==NULL))
    printf("%s send fail,buf error or remote ip error.\n",__FUNCTION__);
    return -1;
//printf("udp send remote ip %s port %d.\n",remoteIP,remotePort);

RemoteAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
RemoteAddr.sin_port = htons( remotePort );
RemoteAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( remoteIP );
int addrLen = sizeof(RemoteAddr);

len = sendto(sockfd, buf, dataLen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&RemoteAddr, addrLen); 

if  (len <= 0)
    printf("%s udp send to %s %d fail.\n",__FUNCTION__,remoteIP,remotePort);
    return -1;
return len;



已发送,但系统日志将其解释为优先级标记而不是消息的一部分。您可以简单地改用 [%d](%d).