
How the quota and it's consumption works?

我对Google Maps JS Google的配额分配配额消耗有点迷茫API.

  1. Places WebService API, per user quota hint @ JS API:

    If you are developing a web based application that only needs to search for places, and does not submit new places, you should use the Places Library of the Google Maps Javascript API rather than the Google Places API Web Service. The Places library assigns a quota to each end user rather than to each key. This means that your available quota increases with your user base rather than being capped at a fixed amount.


  2. JavaScript API, maploads:


  3. JavaScript API, Places Library, Searching:

    Note that each search counts as a single request against your usage limits.

    好的,但是在有关搜索响应(对附近搜索、文本搜索、雷达搜索)的部分中提到了这一点 - 地点详情请求是否相同?

  4. 其他libraries/features:

    JS API 提供了很多子库,Places 库也是如此 - 这些也没有记录,它们是基于每个用户还是每个键?



最终用户 是访问您网页的用户。

当您使用地图-javascript-API(包括任何 service/library)时,只有 1 个配额与您相关,mapLoads-配额 (25k每天 ).

What constitutes a 'map load' in the context of the usage limits that apply to the Google Maps Web APIs?

A single map load occurs when:

  • a map is displayed using the Google Maps JavaScript API when loaded by a web page or application;

  • a Street View panorama is displayed using the Google Maps JavaScript API by a web page or application that has not also displayed a map;

  • a single request is made for a map image from the Google Static Maps API; or

  • a single request is made for a panorama image from the Google Street View Image API.


通过 Javascript-API 对 service/library 的任何后续请求(例如地点、地理编码、方向等)将影响 端的配额-user(访客)。 通常唯一相关的最终用户配额是 每秒请求数(大约每秒 10 个请求),因此您必须注意您的网页不会太快发送太多请求。