如何 update/change 所有条件规则范围的最后一行
How to update/change last row for all conditional rules' ranges
尽管每个 AppliesTo
范围的第一行始终为 5,但实际情况要复杂得多。
导入新数据后,每个 AppliesTo
范围的最后一行可以更改为 15。
我们如何使用 vba
这是我们当前的循环,用于查找每个 AppliesTo
Sub updateAllCondFormatRules()
Dim x As Excel.FormatCondition
Dim r As Range
Dim lastRw As Integer
Dim newLastRw As Integer
newLastRw = 15
For Each x In ActiveSheet.Cells.FormatConditions
Set r = x.AppliesTo
MsgBox r.Address
'>>here we need to change r so that the new last row is equal to newLastRw
x.ModifyAppliesToRange r
Next x
End Sub
我对 x
Sub updateAllCondFormatRules()
Dim x As Excel.FormatCondition
Dim r As Range
Dim lastRw As Long
Dim newLastRw As Long
newLastRw = 20
For Each x In ActiveSheet.Cells.FormatConditions
Set r = x.AppliesTo
MsgBox r.Address
'>>here we need to change r so that the new last row is equal to newLastRw
'Set r = ActiveSheet.Range(Replace(r.Address, Split(r.Address, "$")(UBound(Split(r.Address, "$"))), newLastRw))
Set r = r.Resize(newLastRw - r.Cells(1, 1).Row + 1, r.Columns.Count)
MsgBox r.Address
x.ModifyAppliesToRange r
Next x
End Sub