ExtJS 5 有免费版本吗?

Is there a free version of ExtJS 5?

过去我在几个项目中使用过 ExtJS 4。 我们可以为非商业项目免费下载和使用 ExtJS 5 吗? 我在他们的网站上看到没有免费版本,但我认为他们有 GPL 许可证。

Sencha does provide a GPL-licensed version of ExtJS. 但是,您必须遵守链接的许可条款。根据您的问题详细信息,编写封闭源代码的商业产品将直接违反这些条款:

  • If you create software that uses GPL, you must release your source code (see GPL FAQ), and
  • If you start with a GPL license, you cannot convert to a commercial license simply by purchasing one.

You cannot include Sencha Ext JS or Sencha GXT in a closed source distribution under this license.


If you choose to pay for a Commercial License, you are not required to disclose your source code.

如果您选择购买商业许可证,您需要至少购买 5 个开发者许可证。

More helpful Sencha licensing information