EasyMock - 从新对象返回的模拟对象

EasyMock - mock object returned from new Object

当从新对象调用方法时,是否可以通过捕获来 return 模拟?


SecurityInterface client = new SecurityInterface();
port = client.getSecurityPortType(); --> I want to mock this.

easymock 版本:3.3.1

不 - 这正是您需要从 类 中设计的静态耦合,以使它们可测试。

您需要通过您注入的供应商或工厂提供 SecurityInterface:然后您可以注入一个在生产代码中调用 new 的实例,以及一个 returns 测试代码中的模拟。

class MyClass {
  void doSomething(SecurityInterfaceSupplier supplier) {
    Object port = supplier.get().getSecurityPortType();

interface SecurityInterfaceSupplier {
  SecurityInterface get();

class ProductionSecurityInterfaceSupplier implements SecurityInterfaceSupplier {
  @Override public SecurityInterface get() { return new SecurityInterface(); }

class TestingSecurityInterfaceSupplier implements SecurityInterfaceSupplier {
  @Override public SecurityInterface get() { return mockSecurityInterface; }

是的,如果您还使用 Powermock,您的测试代码可以拦截对 new 和 return 的调用,而不是模拟。所以你可以 return 模拟 new SecurityInterface() 然后模拟它的 getter

Powermock 与 Easymock 兼容

@PrepareForTest( MyClass.class )
public class TestMyClass {

public void foo() throws Exception {
   SecurityInterface mock = createMock(SecurityInterface.class);

    //intercepts call to new SecurityInterface and returns a mock instead
    replay(mock, SecurityInterface.class);
    verify(mock, SecurityInterface.class);
