为什么这个 DateTime 会溢出?

Why is there an Overflow in this DateTime?

我正在尝试创建一个动态日历,我可以在其中忽略周末并跳到从现在开始的 45 天

Declare @StartDate Date = '12/01/2015'

;With NumberList AS
        Select *
            Select Rank() Over(Order By S1.Id, S2.Id) Number
            From master.dbo.SysObjects S1, master.dbo.SysObjects S2
        ) XX
        Where Number < 1000
,FullCalendar as
    select Cast (dateadd(day, number,  DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)) as Date) CalendarDate
    from Numberlist
,CalendarWithNumbers As 
    Select CalendarDate, Row_Number() Over (Order By CalendarDate) DayNumber
    From FullCalendar
    Where ((DATEPART(dw, CalendarDate) + @@DATEFIRST) % 7) NOT IN (0, 1)
,StartingDate as
    Select *
    From CalendarWithNumbers
    Where 1=1
        And CalendarDate = @StartDate
Select @StartDate StartDate, CalendarDate NDaysFromNow, DayNumber
From CalendarWithNumbers 
Where DayNumber = (Select DayNumber + 45 from StartingDate)


StartDate  NDaysFromNow DayNumber
---------- ------------ --------------------
Msg 517, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Adding a value to a 'datetime' column caused an overflow.

但是,我只选择了我的第一个CTE中的前1000个数字,并且我的开始日期是一年的第一天。 1/1/2015 + 1000 天只到 9/26/2017.


编辑 - 添加注释以解释代码


Declare @StartDate Date = '12/01/2015'

;With NumberList AS
        /* Get a list of 1000 Numbers*/
        Select *
                Get a sequence of Numbers (I get 2071*2071 = 4289041) 
                I may need to go up to 50 years in the future so I have to do a cartesian product (same as Cross Join)
                However, this is where it fails

            Select Rank() Over(Order By S1.Id, S2.Id) Number
            From master.dbo.SysObjects S1, master.dbo.SysObjects S2

                comment out the Select ABOVE 
                Uncomment the Select BELOW
                It works!!
                Probably because now the sequencing only goes up to 2071
            --Select Rank() Over(Order By S1.Id) Number
            --From master.dbo.SysObjects S1

        ) XX
        Where Number < 1000
--Select * From NumberList
--UnComment just the line above, and comment everything below to see the result just up to there

,FullCalendar as
    /* Take the first day of the year, and add 1 to 1000 days to it
    It starts from 2015-01-02 (bug needs to be fixed so it starts from 2015-01-01)
    It ends at 2017-09-26
    select Cast (dateadd(day, number,  DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)) as Date) CalendarDate
    from Numberlist
--Select * From FullCalendar
--UnComment just the line above, and comment everything below to see the result just up to there

,CalendarWithNumbers As 
    WHERE CLAUSE exclude the weekend days
    ROW_NUMBER now number each day sequentially and save it in the DayNumber column
    Select CalendarDate, Row_Number() Over (Order By CalendarDate) DayNumber
    From FullCalendar
    Where ((DATEPART(dw, CalendarDate) + @@DATEFIRST) % 7) NOT IN (0, 1)
--Select * From CalendarWithNumbers
--UnComment just the line above, and comment everything below to see the result just up to there

,StartingDate as
    /* Get the DayNumber (from the query above) for the starting day*/
    Select *
    From CalendarWithNumbers
    Where 1=1
        And CalendarDate = @StartDate
--Select * From StartingDate
--UnComment just the line above, and comment everything below to see the result just up to there

    Now calculate 45 days from the daynumber in starting date
    that gives you the value for NDays from StartDate
    CWN.CalendarDate NDaysFromNow, 
From CalendarWithNumbers CWN
Inner Join StartingDate SD
    On CWN.DayNumber = SD.DayNumber + 345 

这行得通, 只是替换了生成 NumberList

Declare @StartDate Date = '12/01/2015'  --<-- I would use '20151201'

;With NumberList AS
        Select *
            Select ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By (SELECT NULL)) Number
            From master..spt_values S1
        ) XX
        Where Number < 1000
,FullCalendar as
    select Cast (dateadd(day, number,  DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)) as Date) CalendarDate
    from Numberlist
,CalendarWithNumbers As 
    Select CalendarDate, Row_Number() Over (Order By CalendarDate) DayNumber
    From FullCalendar
    Where ((DATEPART(dw, CalendarDate) + @@DATEFIRST) % 7) NOT IN (0, 1)
,StartingDate as
    Select *
    From CalendarWithNumbers
    Where 1=1
        And CalendarDate = @StartDate
Select @StartDate StartDate, CalendarDate NDaysFromNow, DayNumber
From CalendarWithNumbers 
Where DayNumber = (Select DayNumber + 45 from StartingDate)

我的猜测是 SQL 服务器决定以与您想象的不同的顺序执行操作,实际上是这样的:

;With NumberList AS
        Select *
            Select Rank() Over(Order By S1.Id, S2.Id) Number
            From master.dbo.SysObjects S1, master.dbo.SysObjects S2
        ) XX
        Where Number < 1000

在此之前未过滤到 999 行;

select Cast (dateadd(day, number,  DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)) as Date) CalendarDate


;With NumberList AS
  Select top 999 row_number() Over(Order By (select null)) Number
  From master.dbo.SysObjects S1 cross join master.dbo.SysObjects S2

使用 top 通常是更好的选择,因为这可以让优化器更好地了解实际有多少行来自那里,而不必决定何时使用 Number > 过滤掉行= 1000(或者数字的分布可能是什么)