使用 VTDecompressionSession 的图像缓冲区显示顺序

Image buffer display order with VTDecompressionSession

我有一个项目,我需要从实时网络流中解码 h264 视频,并最终得到可以在 iOS 设备上的另一个框架 (Unity3D) 中显示的纹理。我可以使用 VTDecompressionSession 成功解码视频,然后使用 CVMetalTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(或 OpenGL 变体)抓取纹理。当我使用低延迟编码器并且图像缓冲区按显示顺序出现时效果很好,但是,当我使用常规编码器时,图像缓冲区不会按显示顺序出现并且重新排序图像缓冲区显然要困难得多我预料到了。

第一次尝试是用 kVTDecodeFrame_EnableAsynchronousDecompression 和 kVTDecodeFrame_EnableTemporalProcessing 设置 VTDecodeFrameFlags...然而,事实证明 VTDecompressionSession 可以选择忽略该标志并做任何它想做的事...并且在我的例子中,它选择忽略标志并仍然以编码器顺序(而不是显示顺序)输出缓冲区。基本没用。

下一次尝试是将图像缓冲区与呈现时间戳相关联,然后将它们放入一个向量中,这样我就可以在创建纹理时获取所需的图像缓冲区。问题似乎是进入与时间戳相关联的 VTDecompressionSession 的图像缓冲区不再是输出的同一个缓冲区,本质上使时间戳变得无用。


  VTDecodeFrameFlags flags = kVTDecodeFrame_EnableAsynchronousDecompression;
  VTDecodeInfoFlags flagOut;
  // Presentation time stamp to be passed with the buffer
  NSNumber *nsPts = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:pts];

  VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame(_decompressionSession, sampleBuffer, flags,
                                          (void*)CFBridgingRetain(nsPts), &flagOut);


void decompressionSessionDecodeFrameCallback(void *decompressionOutputRefCon, void *sourceFrameRefCon, OSStatus status, VTDecodeInfoFlags infoFlags, CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer, CMTime presentationTimeStamp, CMTime presentationDuration)
      // The presentation time stamp...
      // No longer seems to be associated with the buffer that it went in with!
      NSNumber* pts = CFBridgingRelease(sourceFrameRefCon);


在我的例子中,问题不在于 VTDecompressionSession,而是解复用器获取错误 PTS 的问题。虽然我无法让 VTDecompressionSession 使用 kVTDecodeFrame_EnableAsynchronousDecompression 和 kVTDecodeFrame_EnableTemporalProcessing 标志按时间(显示)顺序输出帧,但我可以使用一个小向量根据 PTS 自己对帧进行排序。

首先,确保将所有计时信息与 CMSampleBuffer 以及块缓冲区相关联,以便在 VTDecompressionSession 回调中接收它。

// Wrap our CMBlockBuffer in a CMSampleBuffer...
CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer;

CMTime duration = ...;
CMTime presentationTimeStamp = ...;
CMTime decompressTimeStamp = ...;

CMSampleTimingInfo timingInfo{duration, presentationTimeStamp, decompressTimeStamp};

_sampleTimingArray[0] = timingInfo;
_sampleSizeArray[0] = nalLength;

// Wrap the CMBlockBuffer...
status = CMSampleBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, blockBuffer, true, NULL, NULL, _formatDescription, 1, 1, _sampleTimingArray, 1, _sampleSizeArray, &sampleBuffer);


VTDecodeFrameFlags flags = kVTDecodeFrame_EnableAsynchronousDecompression | kVTDecodeFrame_EnableTemporalProcessing;
VTDecodeInfoFlags flagOut;

VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame(_decompressionSession, sampleBuffer, flags,
                                      (void*)CFBridgingRetain(NULL), &flagOut);

在回调方面,我们需要一种对收到的 CVImageBufferRefs 进行排序的方法。我使用包含 CVImageBufferRef 和 PTS 的结构。然后是一个大小为 2 的向量,它将进行实际排序。

struct Buffer
    CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer = NULL;
    double pts = 0;

std::vector <Buffer> _buffer;

我们还需要一种方法来对缓冲区进行排序。始终写入和读取具有最低 PTS 的索引效果很好。

 -(int) getMinIndex
     if(_buffer[0].pts > _buffer[1].pts)
         return 1;

     return 0;


 void decompressionSessionDecodeFrameCallback(void *decompressionOutputRefCon, void *sourceFrameRefCon, OSStatus status, VTDecodeInfoFlags infoFlags, CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer, CMTime presentationTimeStamp, CMTime presentationDuration)
    StreamManager *streamManager = (__bridge StreamManager     *)decompressionOutputRefCon;

    if (status != noErr)
        NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:NSOSStatusErrorDomain code:status userInfo:nil];
        NSLog(@"Decompressed error: %@", error);
        // Get the PTS
        double pts = CMTimeGetSeconds(presentationTimeStamp);

        // Fill our buffer initially
            Buffer buffer;

            buffer.pts = pts;
            buffer.imageBuffer = imageBuffer;


            streamManager->_buffer[streamManager->_bufferIndex++] = buffer;
            // Push new buffers to the index with the lowest PTS
            int index = [streamManager getMinIndex];

            // Release the old CVImageBufferRef

            Buffer buffer;

            buffer.pts = pts;
            buffer.imageBuffer = imageBuffer;

            // Retain the new CVImageBufferRef

            streamManager->_buffer[index] = buffer;

        // Wrap around the buffer when initialized
        // _bufferWindow = 2
        if(streamManager->_bufferIndex == streamManager->_bufferWindow)
            streamManager->_bufferReady = YES;
            streamManager->_bufferIndex = 0;


 - (void)drainBuffer
             // Drain buffers from the index with the lowest PTS
             int index = [self getMinIndex];

             Buffer buffer = _buffer[index];

             // Do something useful with the buffer now in display order

我想改进一下这个答案。虽然概述的解决方案有效,但它需要了解生成输出帧所需的帧数。该示例使用的缓冲区大小为 2,但在我的例子中,我需要的缓冲区大小为 3。 为避免必须提前指定这一点,可以利用这一事实,即帧(按显示顺序)根据 pts/duration 准确对齐 。 IE。一帧的结尾恰好下一帧的开始。因此可以简单地累积帧直到开始时没有 "gap" ,然后弹出第一帧,依此类推。也可以将第一帧(始终是 I 帧)的点作为初始 "head"(因为它不必为零...)。 这是执行此操作的一些代码:

#include <CoreVideo/CVImageBuffer.h>

#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>

inline bool operator<(const CMTime& left, const CMTime& right)
    return CMTimeCompare(left, right) < 0;

inline bool operator==(const CMTime& left, const CMTime& right)
    return CMTimeCompare(left, right) == 0;

inline CMTime operator+(const CMTime& left, const CMTime& right)
    return CMTimeAdd(left, right);

class reorder_buffer_t

    struct entry_t
        CFGuard<CVImageBufferRef> image;
        CMTime pts;
        CMTime duration;
        bool operator<(const entry_t& other) const
            return pts < other.pts;


    typedef boost::container::flat_set<entry_t> buffer_t;



    void push(entry_t entry)
        if (!_head)
            _head = entry.pts;

    bool empty() const
        return _buffer.empty();

    bool ready() const
        return !empty() && _buffer.begin()->pts == _head;

    entry_t pop()
        auto entry = *_buffer.begin();
        _head = entry.pts + entry.duration;
        return entry;

    void clear()
        _head = boost::none;


    boost::optional<CMTime> _head;
    buffer_t _buffer;

这是一个适用于任何所需缓冲区大小的解决方案,也不需要任何第 3 方库。我的 C++ 代码可能不是最好的,但它可以工作。

我们创建一个 Buffer 结构来通过 pts 识别缓冲区:

struct Buffer
    CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer = NULL;
    uint64_t pts = 0;


@property (nonatomic) std::vector <Buffer> buffers;
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint64_t nextExpectedPts;


-(void)handleImageBuffer:(CVImageBufferRef)imageBuffer pts:(CMTime)presentationTimeStamp duration:(uint64_t)duration {
    //Situation 1, we can directly pass over this buffer
    if (self.nextExpectedPts == presentationTimeStamp.value || duration == 0) {
        [self sendImageBuffer:imageBuffer duration:duration];
    //Situation 2, we got this buffer too fast. We will store it, but first we check if we have already stored the expected buffer
    Buffer futureBuffer = [self bufferWithImageBuffer:imageBuffer pts:presentationTimeStamp.value];
    int smallestPtsInBufferIndex = [self getSmallestPtsBufferIndex];
    if (smallestPtsInBufferIndex >= 0 && self.nextExpectedPts == self.buffers[smallestPtsInBufferIndex].pts) {
        //We found the next buffer, lets store the current buffer and return this one
        Buffer bufferWithSmallestPts = self.buffers[smallestPtsInBufferIndex];
        [self sendImageBuffer:bufferWithSmallestPts.imageBuffer duration:duration];
        [self setBuffer:futureBuffer atIndex:smallestPtsInBufferIndex];
    } else {
        //We dont have the next buffer yet, lets store this one to a new slot
        [self setBuffer:futureBuffer atIndex:self.buffers.size()];

-(Buffer)bufferWithImageBuffer:(CVImageBufferRef)imageBuffer pts:(uint64_t)pts {
    Buffer futureBuffer = Buffer();
    futureBuffer.pts = pts;
    futureBuffer.imageBuffer = imageBuffer;
    return futureBuffer;

- (void)sendImageBuffer:(CVImageBufferRef)imageBuffer duration:(uint64_t)duration {
    //Send your buffer to wherever you need it here
    self.nextExpectedPts += duration;

-(int) getSmallestPtsBufferIndex
    int minIndex = -1;
    uint64_t minPts = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<_buffers.size();i++) {
        if (_buffers[i].pts < minPts || minPts == 0) {
            minPts = _buffers[i].pts;
            minIndex = i;
    return minIndex;

- (void)setBuffer:(Buffer)buffer atIndex:(int)index {
    if (_buffers.size() <= index) {
    } else {
        _buffers[index] = buffer;

不要忘记在解除分配解码器时释放向量中的所有缓冲区,例如,如果您正在处理循环文件,请跟踪文件何时完全循环以重置 nextExpectedPts 等。