Docker 工具箱:有没有办法从 "C:\Users" Windows 挂载其他文件夹?

Docker toolbox: Is there a way to mount other folders than from "C:\Users" Windows?

我在 Windows 7 上使用 VirtualBox 5.0.6 安装了 Docker 工具箱 1.8.3。

Docker 快速启动终端 启动期间创建的 默认 虚拟机具有一个为 [=13= 定义的共享文件夹].是否可以将其他共享文件夹持久添加到该虚拟机,例如在主机上安装 d:\ 驱动器?

boot2docker README mentions

Alternatively, Boot2Docker includes the VirtualBox Guest Additions built in for the express purpose of using VirtualBox folder sharing.

The first of the following share names that exists (if any) will be automatically mounted at the location specified:

c/Users share at /c/Users
/c/Users share at /c/Users
c:/Users share at /c/Users

If some other path or share is desired, it can be mounted at run time by doing something like:

$ mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=50 your-other-share-name /some/mount/location

您可以在 VirtualBox / Guest Additions / Shared folders


From the command line, you can create shared folders using VBoxManage, as follows:

VBoxManage sharedfolder add "boot2docker-vm" --name "sharename" --hostpath "C:\test"