android studio 中要更新到哪些值

Which values to update to in android studio

这是我的 sdk 管理器目前的样子 like.In build.gradle 文件 我必须进行哪些更改才能保持最新状态。 我当前的 compilesdkversion 是 23,buildsdkversion 是 23.0.1。 所有* 库都在 23.1.0.

None。 SDK 和构建工具都没有更新,只有 SDK 工具。

您的 build.gradle 文件已更新。

My current compilesdkversion is 23 and buildsdkversion is 23.0.1. All the* libraries are on 23.1.0.

compilesdkversion 23  -->ANDROID API 23

buildsdkversion 23.0.1 --> Android SDK Build-Tools  23.1.0  -->Android Support Repositories/Android Support Library

Android SDK 工具 不在您的 build.gradle
中 SDK 工具是 Android SDK 的可下载组件。它包括 Android SDK 的全套开发和调试工具。

更多info here:

 SDK Tools, Revision 24.4.1 (October 2015)

    Android SDK Platform-tools revision 23 or later.

  General Notes:
    Fixed a problem where the emulator title bar was hidden off screen. (Issue 178344)
    Enabled the emulator to resize the user data partition by including e2fsprogs binaries. (Issue 189030)
    Fixed a regression on the 32-bit Windows OS where the emulator fails to boot Android 6.0 (API level 23) through Android 5.0 (API level 21) system images. (Issue 188326)

  SDK Tools, Revision 24.4.0 (October 2015)

    Android SDK Platform-tools revision 23 or later.

  General Notes:
    Updated the emulator so it can display an upgrade notification when a new version is available.
    Added the ability for the emulator to send basic crash reports. You must opt-in through Android Studio preferences to enable crash report transmission.